Background: #fff
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Error: #f88
<div class='toolbar' macro='toolbar [[ToolbarCommands::EditToolbar]]'></div>
<div class='title' macro='view title'></div>
<div class='editor' macro='edit title'></div>
<div macro='annotations'></div>
<div class='editor' macro='edit text'></div>
<div class='editor' macro='edit tags'></div><div class='editorFooter'><span macro='message views.editor.tagPrompt'></span><span macro='tagChooser excludeLists'></span></div>
To get started with this blank [[TiddlyWiki]], you'll need to modify the following tiddlers:
* [[SiteTitle]] & [[SiteSubtitle]]: The title and subtitle of the site, as shown above (after saving, they will also appear in the browser title bar)
* [[MainMenu]]: The menu (usually on the left)
* [[DefaultTiddlers]]: Contains the names of the tiddlers that you want to appear when the TiddlyWiki is opened
You'll also need to enter your username for signing your edits: <<option txtUserName>>
<link rel='alternate' type='application/rss+xml' title='RSS' href='index.xml' />
These [[InterfaceOptions]] for customising [[TiddlyWiki]] are saved in your browser

Your username for signing your edits. Write it as a [[WikiWord]] (eg [[JoeBloggs]])

<<option txtUserName>>
<<option chkSaveBackups>> [[SaveBackups]]
<<option chkAutoSave>> [[AutoSave]]
<<option chkRegExpSearch>> [[RegExpSearch]]
<<option chkCaseSensitiveSearch>> [[CaseSensitiveSearch]]
<<option chkAnimate>> [[EnableAnimations]]

Also see [[AdvancedOptions]]
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#messageArea a {text-decoration:underline;}

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StyleSheet for use when a translation requires any css style changes.
This StyleSheet can be used directly by languages such as Chinese, Japanese and Korean which need larger font sizes.
body {font-size:0.8em;}
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<div class='toolbar' role='navigation' macro='toolbar [[ToolbarCommands::ViewToolbar]]'></div>
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<div class='subtitle'><span macro='view modifier link'></span>, <span macro='view modified date'></span> (<span macro='message views.wikified.createdPrompt'></span> <span macro='view created date'></span>)</div>
<div class='tagging' macro='tagging'></div>
<div class='tagged' macro='tags'></div>
<div class='viewer' macro='view text wikified'></div>
<div class='tagClear'></div>

In our body/being, consciousness operates in 4 Dimensions.
These Dimensions are distinct, yet interconnected.
Each level of consciousness operates a different logic.
Only together can they operate full consciousness.

| [0D] |[1D] | [2D] | [3D] |h
| Point | Line | Plane | Volume |
| Sensor Cell | Neuron | Neural Plexus | Brain |
| Dirac Pulse | Fourier Code | Moiré Array | Gabor Hologram |
| Out-of-conscious | Unconscious | Subconscious | Conscious |
| Delta brainwaves | Theta Brainwaves | Alpha Brainwaves | Beta Brainwaves |
| Cell | Organ | Body | Environment |
| Coma | Sleep | Dream | Awake |
:<) 4D [[Sleep Cycle]]
:<) 4D [[Sensory System]]
"Alienation Diseases" arise when people disconnect from the environment, and from themselves.
They thereby disconnect from their [[Soul]]; the 'integrative factor in operating [[Freedom of Choice]]'.
Their [[Mind]] then does a cover-up/patch-up job; by creating a 'Stop-gap' from [[Golem]].
This results in a non-conscious defensive reflex 'programme', 'dealing with the unlivable situation'.
"Alienation Diseases" operate by the principle of the 4D Dynamic Logic, as it operates in our body.
This is based on the principle of Health, as defined by __Bert Verveen__ in "System (Patho) Physiology".
When the dynamic coherence of the feedforward-feedback Loops between cells/organs fails, a [[Fall-back Scenario]] sets in.
What __Bert Verveen__ described for Physiology, also applies to Psychology, Sociology, and Ecology.
:<) [[System (Patho) Physiology]]
:<) [[The Cascade of Disease]]
:<) [[Fall-back Scenarios]]
:<) [[Para'sitic Processing]]

__"''Alienation Diseases''" arise when the [[Body, Mind, Soul, Spirit]] 4D complex 'disconnects from involvement'__.
Instead of the 4D Body responding as one integral integrated whole, a 'sub-part' arises 'which deals with the situation.
As this is disconnected from conscious involvement, the resulting reaction operates from a (deep) Reflex level.
This can result in Autism, Narcissism, Sociopathy, or Psychopathy, as summarised in the following Table:

| [0D] | [1D] | [2D] | [3D] |h
| Point | Line | Plane | Volume |
| Individual | Relationship | Group | Humanity |
| Autist | Narcissist | Sociopath | Psychopath |

The principle, "Alienation" is the same in all cases.
In the Autist, 'others are cut out' and the Alienation leads to a segregation/Separation between the Self and Others.
In the Narcissist, the Alienation involves the relationship dynamic, which becomes distorted by [[Subp|Sub-personalities]] involvement.
In the Sociopath, this disrupts group dynamics; in the Psychopath, it affects/afflicts all relationships with/between all others.

:<) [[Undigested Experiences]]
:<) [[Control Drama]]
:<) [[Manipulation]]
:<) [[Trauma-based Mind-control]]

As any Reflex, this 'subroutine/sub-personality' ("[[Subp|Sub-personalities]]") is triggered by 4 factors:
1) The original Intent, 2) The Original Conditions, 3) The Original Outcome and 4) The Original Experience. 
When any of those 4 factors recurs, the experience/reflex of the Undigested Trauma can be reactivated.
This used to be described by the traditional terms of [[Hell, Purgatory, Devil, Armageddon]]:

>"''Hell''" = Closed System = Trauma Memory Cache = Unresolved Experience
>"''Purgatory''" = Emotional Shield = Reactive Charge = Isolation Defense
>'"''Devil''" = Reactivated Memory = Action Replay = Conditioned Reflex
>"''Armageddon''" = Out-of-conscious irresponsible Cross-firing Reflex Activation = [[Wetiko]]

:<) [[Poldering]]
:<) [[Catching Lightning]]
:<) [[Attitudinal Training]]
:<) [[Feelings vs Emotions]]

As these are Reflexes, they are triggered/activated/acted-out without any awareness of the [[Dividual]].
People afflicted by Unresolved Traumatic Memories are called "''Dividuals''", because they ''are Internally Divided''.
They operate non-conscious Defensive Reflex Patterns which can be reactivated by the Traumatic Memory triggers.
They themselves are unaware that this happens; but those interacting with them do notice the 'change of character'.

:An Example:
:In interaction with a woman (35yr), she was asked: "do you have any Sub-personalities" (that you know of)? She said: "No".
:Soon after her dominant (15yr) Sub-personality appeared.
:It declared: "See, i am in full control and she does not even know that i am here".

In being internally divided, [[Dividuals]] have one or more hidden [[Trauma Cache]]s.
A [[Trauma Cache]] is a location in the body where an [[Undigested Experience]] is store in Memory.
__Ryker Geerd Hammer__ mapped that the Trauma is 'sorted by Emotion' and 'stored near the corresponding [[Chakra]].
__Björn Nordenström__ showed that such [[Trauma Caches]] can cause [[Cancer]] shielded by an electric charge field ('[[Purgatory']]').

Our Body is based on an underlying consciousness/information field, a [[Bio-Hologram]], projected from the DNA (__Peter Gariayev__).
The DNA itself was created by the body, over the ages, by incorporating new survival information ([[The Lipton Mechanism]]).
"''Our body operates the Integration of Information witth Matter; with [[Freedom of Choice]]''".
Therein...: ''Information Integration => System Regulation => Process/Physiology => Structure/Anatomy''.

:The same 4D Dynamic (Logic) is seen in __the operation of Freedom of Choice__:
:__Free Choice => Decision => Belief/Conviction => Reflex/Conduct__.
:__Free Choice => Free Will => Free Expression => Free Association__.
:__Conscious => Subconscious => Unconscious => Out-of-conscious__.

In [[Life Shock]] situations this process of 'operating Freedom of Choice' fails.
Instead of a decision, leading to a change in involvement, 'circumstances seem to dictate'.
This creates a Vacuum; a lack/loss of inner/own connectedness with the dynamic of [[Involvement]].
As a result, a 'gap' is created (the "Alienation") which is resolved by the activating of [[Golem]].

"Golem" is the psychic equivalent of the serum ('wound fluid") in the physical body.
When a splinter (Foreign object) enters under the skin, it is surrounded by wound serum to shield the body.
When a Life Shock]] (Foreign experience) enters into the psyche, it is surrounded by 'undefined attitude', to buffer the impact of the experience.
This is comparable to the body 'falling-back' on stem cells ('Baby Experience') to deal which acute deep trauma at the cellular level.

The universe is literally one-vibration.
This is known as "the quantum field", and best (graphically) described by Tetryonics.
In quantum field, everything is connected; in a 'holographic' 'understanding'.
This universal (inter-) connectedness is also known as "love".

The quantum field itself is a field of vibrations.
Vibrations are phase related; with the possibility for phase amplification phase suppression.
The various phase relationships can also be understood as a 'computation'.
The dynamic of the change of cohesion in phase change is (literally) based on a Logic.

"Logic" this determine used for the understanding of dimensional operators.
Logic defines the origination of, and the relationship between, different dimensions.
The simplest form of the representation of a logic is that of a (system) boundary.
It picked by a wave in a field, this can be seen that the opposite sides are always connected

A boundary is not only a separator but also a connector.
At the uniVerse=spirit level this oneness is experienced.
Our body selves to enable us to operate Freedom of Choice.
In order to be able to do that, it defines a boundary via which we can choose to (not) interact.

Freedom of Choice provides the possibility to 'do the opposite of what circumstances (seemingly) dictate'.

Type the text for 'Alienation Diseases'
Book Bouquet Anthology

Here are some books that are called basic concepts for understanding the integration system of the body.Because this is the interplay between information and matter, many of these descriptions from the physics described.For each of these books are briefly explained why this work is relevant to the understanding of the Yearbook.

Rudolf Hauschka, Ernahrungslehre; Heilmittellehre, Substanzlehre (1989, 1990, 1990)
Substance information
(Physics / life science)
Richard Gerber: Vibrational Medicine (1988)
Nature and our body are a unit in vibration
(Vibration / harmony)
Itzhak Bentov, Strike the Wild Pendulum (1977)
Interplay of consciousness and body (the Physio-Kundalini Syndrome)
(Physiology / awareness)
Mae-Wan Ho, The Rainbow and the Worm (1993)
Life as an interplay between movement (education / information) and stops
(Formation / forms)
John Davidson, Subtle Energy (1988)
The basic consistency of experience and environment
(Physics / consciousness)
Ilya Prigogine, Order Out of Chaos, the new dialogue between man and Nature (1993)
Irreversibility in time of dynamic processes.
(Science / responsibility)
Frank J. Tipler: The Physics of Immortality (1995)
The boundaries of reality and life
(Finite / infinity)
David Bohm, Wholeness and the implicate order (1980)
The reality is fundamentally much more coherent than is visible
(Formless Vomen)
Karl Pribram: Brain and perception: holonomy and structure in figural processing (1991)
Our brain acts as a hologram
(Motion / structure)
Alexander Kaske, gehirn, Realität und Maschinen teleological (1994)
We must think differently about thinking
(Human machine)
Michio Kaku, Beyond Einstein (1987)
We need to think differently about the world
(Models / understanding)
Peter Rowlands, Zero to Infinity (2007)
The basis of biology and mathematics are the same: Replication
(Wiskunst / nature art)
Hauschka, R (1990) Substanzlehre (Zum Verständnis der Physik, der Chemie und der Stoffe Therapeutischer operate the player), Vittorio Klostermann, Frankfurt a / M
Hauschka, R (1989) Ernährungslehre (Zum Verständnis der Physiology Verdauung und der Qualität der imponderablen Nahrungsstoffe), Vittorio Klostermann, Frankfurt a / M
Hauschka, R (1990) Heilmittellehre (Eine Beitrag zu einer zeitgemäsen Heilmittelerkenntnis), Vittorio Klostermann, Frankfurt a / M

Rudolf Hauschka provides for nutrients and body materials that we can not perceive it as substances such as those in physics or chemistry are described analytically.All are electromagnetic force fields, and thus forms of information.All body substances produced by the body, and thus should not be construed as dead matter, but as forms of life are shaped by life.This leads to a completely different concept - consistency - for thinking about nutrition, physical materials and medicinal substances: it is about understanding how the body deals with them.

Gerber, R (1988) Vibrational Medicine Bear & co.

Richard Gerber summed up how the developments in modern physics in relation to the various therapies to understand, almost a standard textbook.

Bentov, I. (1977) Stalking the Wild Pendulum: On the Mechanics of Consciousness, Cosmic Book

Itzhak Bentov, mechanical, electrical and mechanical began comparing body movements.He saw that it linked to - as can be seen in the brainwaves - for the whole body.Back of the book is a remarkably short article, the Physio-Kundalini Syndrome, in which the mechanical pulsations of the body associated with the development of a coherent electromagnetic field around the head and body, including the situation can be measured during meditation.The dynamic coupling between movements of the body and mind is thus easier to understand.
<> shows a film about his vision

Ho, MW (1993) The Rainbow And The Worm (The Physics of Organisms), World Scientific, Singapore, Malaysia

Mae-Wan Ho examined from quantum physics, the relationship between the formation and shape of the body.Pupation of a caterpillar into a butterfly shows that there is a profound ability to rearrange matter, without disrupting the biological unity.It is these deep processes that are important for healing, and not in terms of consistency of matter can be understood.The profound relationship between training and shapes is of great significance in our increasingly (re) making body.

Davidson, J (1987) Subtle Energy, CW Daniel, England

John Davidson has written several books over the deep end of physics, and its significance for humans (ness).We do not describe the reality around us, but the world as we live, so ourselves.This means that we are all descriptions of the physics involved in ourselves, and they also understood it as a reflection of our consciousness.Vitamins, pyramids, dowsing, earth magnetic fields, consciousness, matter, ...are so in a deeper context to understand.

Prigogine, I. & I. Stengers (1993) Order Out of Chaos (the new dialogue between man and Nature), Bert Bakker, Amsterdam

Ilya Prigogine and Isabelle Stengers goals actually a new dialogue between man and nature, even in French they speak about a new alliance based on a better understanding of the man of their nature.Examples of physics and mathematics are used to show that we no longer think of reality as 'fixed', but that uniqueness (irreversibility) is decisive in our life and experience.The authors stress that science is no longer independent of ethics.It is a responsibility we have to make.

Tipler, FJ (1995) The Physics of Immortality

Frank Tipler explores the field of medicine that is still suffering, but can not describe death.Finitude.Prigogine where it has (to) time reliability in time, Tipler has about the (in) finiteness of the universe.If we limit the universe to understand and describe, then we know more about the limits of our life (and body).He uses the standard formulas for calculating infinity as currently used in physics to look at the (in) finiteness of life.

Bohm, D (1980) Wholeness and the implicate order, Dover, NY, USA.

David Bohm came from the study of quantum theory to a view in which reality as a process, and should be described, which he calls the rheomode (flow motion).This is for consistency throughout the body to understand.He also studied the interplay of social processes (Bohm Dialogue Groups).Bohm describes the Implicit Association which is precisely the relevant body.In the context of the matter are larger patterns.Far from the equilibrium level (only) we can see through making the balance at the boundary is determined.This is relevant for the balance of each cell wall, all skin and connective tissue system that connects the two.

Pribram, Karl H.(1969).Brain and behavior.Penguin Books, Hammond Worth.
Pribram, Karl (1971).Languages of the brain, experimental paradoxes and principles in neuro psychology.Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall.
Pribram, Karl (1991).Brain and perception: holonomy and structure in figural processing.Hillsdale, N. J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Globus, Gordon G., Pribram, Karl H., & Vitiello, Giuseppe (2004).Brain and Being: At The Boundary Between Science, Philosophy, Language, and Arts (Advances in Consciousness Research, 58).John Benjamins Publishing Co..

Karl Pribram, along with David Bohm, a wave model of consciousness developed.There are two reasons: 1) the measured response of the Visual Cortex is a Gabor function, the mathematical basis of holograms, 2) brain damage does not necessarily to forget.Pribram integrates itself into the knowledge of the psychologist, psychiatrist, neurologist, neurosurgeon and mathematician, and the research he did in the functioning of our consciousness is profound.The finding that we mind and body as a hologram (information field) must understand its direct connection between the structure of matter and consciousness.

Alexander Kaske (1994) gehirn, Realität und Maschinen teleological, Gisela Liedl, Munich

Alexander Kaske describes in his - technical - thesis our brain in terms of a system.Such a thesis is expected to bring together a lot of research about brains, brain function, brain processes, and that the male glands which can be described.Naturally this leads to the question of how that is linked to consciousness and the relationship between the "outer-inner 'picture of the universe that we are in our bodies and our bodies.

Michio Kaku (1987) Beyond Einstein, Bantam, NY, USA

Muchio Kaku, the developments in physics after Einstein described legible.It helps understand why the classical science is not used anymore.

Rowlands, P (2007) Zero to Infinity, World Scientific, Singapore

Peter Rowlands probably currently offers the most basic link to understanding the relationship between biology and physics, in a description of the physics that is based on the same principle as DNA replication and cell division: a (re) writing system.
The success of Pharmaceuticals is their downfall.
After (Material) Physics, (Molecular) Chemistry was discovered.
After Anatomy (State), Physiology (Process) was discovered.
But we are already a century further: pharmacology is obsolete.

We now know that body cells produce our Anatomy.
We know now that cell Communication IS Physiology, and Psychology.
We also know that all cellular production/release of Molecules is "Electromagnetic"; as are our neurons and hormones, meridians and chakras.
We must not 'stay stuck in the (century) past, but go beyond, and return to the present.

At the level of 'beyond parmaceuticals", we must look at

These correspond with, respectively, [[Body, Mind, Soul, Spirit]]

'Pharmacology' has not yet advanced much beyond the physics of one, two, centuries ago.
They' still think in terms of'(physical) 'receptors.
They know that these couplings are electromagnetic, but they systematically/intentionally ignore/deny the associated radio information/spectrum fields.
They apply the same antique view to DNA, which is a crystallised hologram - and of which they consider 97% to be 'junk'; which just 'proves their ignorance', because our body gets rid of 'junk'.
Many people refer to Body, Mind, Soul and Spirit without explaining what these words mean.
This Essay defines the terms in a way which ties in with System Theory.
In the past that was called Alchemy; nowadays it is called Cybernetics or Schematic Diagrams.
It refers to the 4 Dimensions of 'the reality that we live in'.

__Note__ that "Body, Mind, Soul, Spirit" 'is backwards thinking'.
The correct formulation is ''Spirit => Soul => Mind => Body''.
This is the sequence by which Manifestation/materialisation takes place.
That, is well described by [[Tetryonics]].

| [0D] | [1D] | [2D] | [3D] |h
| Quanta | Atoms | Molecules | Matter |
| Quantum Field | Electromagnetism | Chemistry | Physics|
| Spirit | Soul | Mind | Body |h

Crucial in the understanding of the relationship between Body, Mind, Soul and Spirit is [[Zygontology]].
''Zygontology'' = Ontology of Cosmic Creation as operated in/by the Zygote.
This recapitulates the principles of uniVersal Creation ("Ontology") as formulated by [[Tetryonics]].
This is explicitly seen in the process of [[Cell Replication]], by which the Zygote forms the Body.

The dynamic of Cell Replication links Matter to Molecules to Atoms to Change in Phase Space.
Every Cell Replication]], of //every body cell// thereby links to all other cells in Phase Space.
This 'zipper in phase space', links all cells by their Zero-Point inversion, in Cell Replication.
This link between all cells is defined by a [[Vrobel Time Fractal]], which defines the [[Soul]].
Book Bouquet Anthology

Here are some books that are called basic concepts for understanding the integration system of the body.Because this is the interplay between information and matter, many of these descriptions from the physics described.For each of these books are briefly explained why this work is relevant to the understanding of the Yearbook.

!Tetryonics (Kelvin Abraham)
Tetryonics achieved the long sought-for paradigm-shift, integrating classical/relativistic/probabilistic/unified theories of science.
Tetryonics provides a bottom-up view of universal creation as based on quantum change.
Tetryonics shows that 'only quantum change can form and move matter'

!System Theory (Ludwig von Bertalanffy)
Next on the list for understanding fundamentals of creation and manifestation of [[Systems Theory]].
It recapitulates the findings of [[alchemists|Alchemy]], now understood as quanta <=> atoms <=> molecules <=> matter.
Actually, this is based on "[[The Zipper of Manifestation]]": photon-leap <=> electron-leap <=> electron-oscillation <=> electron bonding.
These are electroNmagnetic dynamics, which can be modeled by: switch <> resistor <> coil <> capacitor.

!Dimensional Analysis (Langhaar)
Dimensional Analysis is the third 'best practice' for obtaining real understanding of our understanding.
It shows that whatever model we create, it will have its limitations by our assumptions.
Whatever we forget to include, or erroneously include, shifts the 'event horizon'(reset point) of our definition.
Dimensional Analysis shows that by determining "Dimensionless Numbers"

!The Geometry of Life (Peter Rowlands and Vanessa Hill)
Tetryonics now offers a quantum foundation for the Algebra and Geometry used in the work of Hill & Rowlands.
Peter Rowlands shows how the ("Nilpotent") Algebra of Self-replication helps understand DNA.
Vanessa Hill shows how exactly the same can be represented by a geometry, seen throughout biology.
Together they show that the study of medicine and biology should not start with anatomy and morphology, but by seeing the principles of universal creation at work.

!Rudolf Hauschka, Ernahrungslehre; Heilmittellehre, Substanzlehre (1989, 1990, 1990)
Substance information
(Physics / life science)

!Richard Gerber: Vibrational Medicine (1988)
Nature and our body are a unit in vibration
(Vibration / harmony)
!Itzhak Bentov, Strike the Wild Pendulum (1977)
Interplay of consciousness and body (the Physio-Kundalini Syndrome)
(Physiology / awareness)
!~Mae-Wan Ho, The Rainbow and the Worm (1993)
Life as an interplay between movement (education / information) and stops
(Formation / forms)
!John Davidson, Subtle Energy (1988)
The basic consistency of experience and environment
(Physics / consciousness)
!Ilya Prigogine, Order Out of Chaos, the new dialogue between man and Nature (1993)
Irreversibility in time of dynamic processes.
(Science / responsibility)
!Frank J. Tipler: The Physics of Immortality (1995)
The boundaries of reality and life
(Finite / infinity)
!David Bohm, Wholeness and the implicate order (1980)
The reality is fundamentally much more coherent than is visible
(Formless Forms)
!Karl Pribram: Brain and perception: holonomy and structure in figural processing (1991)
Our brain acts as a hologram
(Motion / structure)
!Alexander Kaske (1994) Gehirn, Realität und Maschinen teleological
We must think differently about thinking
(Human machine)
!Michio Kaku, Beyond Einstein (1987)
We need to think differently about the world
(Models / understanding)
!Peter Rowlands, Zero to Infinity (2007)
The basis of biology and mathematics are the same: Replication
(Wiskunst / nature art)
!Hauschka, R (1990) Substanzlehre (Zum Verständnis der Physik, der Chemie und der Stoffe Therapeutischer operate the player), Vittorio Klostermann, Frankfurt a / M
Hauschka, R (1989) Ernährungslehre (Zum Verständnis der Physiology Verdauung und der Qualität der imponderablen Nahrungsstoffe), Vittorio Klostermann, Frankfurt a / M
Hauschka, R (1990) Heilmittellehre (Eine Beitrag zu einer zeitgemäsen Heilmittelerkenntnis), Vittorio Klostermann, Frankfurt a / M

Rudolf Hauschka provides for nutrients and body materials that we can not perceive it as substances such as those in physics or chemistry are described analytically.All are electromagnetic force fields, and thus forms of information.All body substances produced by the body, and thus should not be construed as dead matter, but as forms of life are shaped by life.This leads to a completely different concept - consistency - for thinking about nutrition, physical materials and medicinal substances: it is about understanding how the body deals with them.

Gerber, R (1988) Vibrational Medicine Bear & co.

Richard Gerber summed up how the developments in modern physics in relation to the various therapies to understand, almost a standard textbook.

Bentov, I. (1977) Stalking the Wild Pendulum: On the Mechanics of Consciousness, Cosmic Book

Itzhak Bentov, mechanical, electrical and mechanical began comparing body movements.He saw that it linked to - as can be seen in the brainwaves - for the whole body.Back of the book is a remarkably short article, the Physio-Kundalini Syndrome, in which the mechanical pulsations of the body associated with the development of a coherent electromagnetic field around the head and body, including the situation can be measured during meditation.The dynamic coupling between movements of the body and mind is thus easier to understand.
<> shows a film about his vision

Ho, MW (1993) The Rainbow And The Worm (The Physics of Organisms), World Scientific, Singapore, Malaysia

Mae-Wan Ho examined from quantum physics, the relationship between the formation and shape of the body.Pupation of a caterpillar into a butterfly shows that there is a profound ability to rearrange matter, without disrupting the biological unity.It is these deep processes that are important for healing, and not in terms of consistency of matter can be understood.The profound relationship between training and shapes is of great significance in our increasingly (re) making body.

Davidson, J (1987) Subtle Energy, CW Daniel, England

John Davidson has written several books over the deep end of physics, and its significance for humans (ness).We do not describe the reality around us, but the world as we live, so ourselves.This means that we are all descriptions of the physics involved in ourselves, and they also understood it as a reflection of our consciousness.Vitamins, pyramids, dowsing, earth magnetic fields, consciousness, matter, ...are so in a deeper context to understand.

Prigogine, I. & I. Stengers (1993) Order Out of Chaos (the new dialogue between man and Nature), Bert Bakker, Amsterdam

Ilya Prigogine and Isabelle Stengers goals actually a new dialogue between man and nature, even in French they speak about a new alliance based on a better understanding of the man of their nature.Examples of physics and mathematics are used to show that we no longer think of reality as 'fixed', but that uniqueness (irreversibility) is decisive in our life and experience.The authors stress that science is no longer independent of ethics.It is a responsibility we have to make.

Tipler, FJ (1995) The Physics of Immortality

Frank Tipler explores the field of medicine that is still suffering, but can not describe death.Finitude.Prigogine where it has (to) time reliability in time, Tipler has about the (in) finiteness of the universe.If we limit the universe to understand and describe, then we know more about the limits of our life (and body).He uses the standard formulas for calculating infinity as currently used in physics to look at the (in) finiteness of life.

Bohm, D (1980) Wholeness and the implicate order, Dover, NY, USA.

David Bohm came from the study of quantum theory to a view in which reality as a process, and should be described, which he calls the rheomode (flow motion).This is for consistency throughout the body to understand.He also studied the interplay of social processes (Bohm Dialogue Groups).Bohm describes the Implicit Association which is precisely the relevant body.In the context of the matter are larger patterns.Far from the equilibrium level (only) we can see through making the balance at the boundary is determined.This is relevant for the balance of each cell wall, all skin and connective tissue system that connects the two.

Pribram, Karl H.(1969).Brain and behavior.Penguin Books, Hammond Worth.
Pribram, Karl (1971).Languages of the brain, experimental paradoxes and principles in neuro psychology.Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice-Hall.
Pribram, Karl (1991).Brain and perception: holonomy and structure in figural processing.Hillsdale, N. J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Globus, Gordon G., Pribram, Karl H., & Vitiello, Giuseppe (2004).Brain and Being: At The Boundary Between Science, Philosophy, Language, and Arts (Advances in Consciousness Research, 58).John Benjamins Publishing Co..

Karl Pribram, along with David Bohm, a wave model of consciousness developed.There are two reasons: 1) the measured response of the Visual Cortex is a Gabor function, the mathematical basis of holograms, 2) brain damage does not necessarily to forget.Pribram integrates itself into the knowledge of the psychologist, psychiatrist, neurologist, neurosurgeon and mathematician, and the research he did in the functioning of our consciousness is profound.The finding that we mind and body as a hologram (information field) must understand its direct connection between the structure of matter and consciousness.

Alexander Kaske (1994) gehirn, Realität und Maschinen teleological, Gisela Liedl, Munich

Alexander Kaske describes in his - technical - thesis our brain in terms of a system.Such a thesis is expected to bring together a lot of research about brains, brain function, brain processes, and that the male glands which can be described.Naturally this leads to the question of how that is linked to consciousness and the relationship between the "outer-inner 'picture of the universe that we are in our bodies and our bodies.

Michio Kaku (1987) Beyond Einstein, Bantam, NY, USA

Muchio Kaku, the developments in physics after Einstein described legible.It helps understand why the classical science is not used anymore.

Rowlands, P (2007) Zero to Infinity, World Scientific, Singapore

Peter Rowlands probably currently offers the most basic link to understanding the relationship between biology and physics, in a description of the physics that is based on the same principle as DNA replication and cell division: a (re) writing system.

Several books, from different perspectives, help to understand health and healing.

Karl Pribram: Brain and perception: holonomy and structure in figural processing (1991)
Frank J. Tipler: The Physics of Immortality (1995)
Richard Gerber: Vibrational Medicine (1988)

The more people think, the more they learn to think. Some people even learn to think about their thinking. Some experience that thinking is based on more fundamental principles: beyond thought. The following anthologies of books written by different authors - from their different disciplines - have to think about consciousness: thinking and living.
Because they each from their own discipline, so training, we can handle it - and by a fly's eye - the same theme from different angles to see.

The following authors have been chosen:
Karl Pribram (understanding the mind), Frank Tipler (Physics of Immortality), Richard Gerber (vibrational medicine)

Karl Pribram: Brain and perception: holonomy and structure in figural processing (1991)
Of Pribram's hard to tell "what he is': doctor or mathematician, philosopher and pragmatist. The success of his work shows that he is everything, and a good combination. His work has changed tack in the field of consciousness and brain studies. Much of his insight, he developed together with Bohm, the physicist who hologram quantum field theory to describe. Pribram, also in mathematics' well on horseback, "thought the brain functions to recognize the Gabor function. (This is a mathematical description related to thinking in terms of holograms.) For those who are not familiar: a hologram is an interesting interplay between motion and rest, secure and formless. In principle it a hologram by a laser beam at an object to reflect. In the space around the object creates an interference pattern, which changed the waves with fixed wave is similar. The Moiré images are an illustration of the same principle.
This is a basic principle which is widely used in medicine. The classic model of Descartes and Newton is based on the idea of fixed size: the laser. Einstein's model with the perturbed wave field to compare: relative motion. Quantum theory is the combination of two types: fixed sizes and variation (the wave of electron jump between orbits of atoms). To understand the body and the mind, but we need one step further: the interplay of strength and motion in it reversible. That reversibility is a basic principle of life, for example, in our brains, we are not dealing with software in hardware (like a computer) but software that determines the hardware (thoughts bring the body in motion).This requires "reverse thinking, compared to what in classical physics is used, but for working with health and consciousness is the essence.
Pribram's work is not necessarily easy to read. The doctors quickly notice that they get stuck on mathematical knowledge, the mathematician understand rap that they understand and know little body. In Pribram, the two together, and the ease with which he functions in the body in mathematical terms to describe raises the question whether physicians are in the right language to learn so wiskunstig denken.Als the body, and logical, is it not make sense that she principles of logic and coherence in their studies to understand? (The chapter on the comparison of health makes this more pragmatic understanding: 'our body is a wiskunstige equation. ") Until this is Pribram's work helps to show that the conventional medical approach is still very much understand not let .. . That is also fun nieyt press: the work of Pribram any person the essence of his findings include: the brain as a hologram, the body also, and a cell is "the opposite" of the rest of the body, andthe body "inside the cell (the zygote is a clear example. It means that this approach is explicitly named as in other therapies described: each part is part of the whole. Pribram's approach gives new Western words for old Oriental insight.

Pribram is a convenient but also a mathematician notorious psychologist, psychiatrist, neurologist, neurosurgeon, ... and developer of the image that our brain functions as a hologram.His work leads to the conclusion that we are not only different about our brains, but also about our body can think.

Frank J. Tipler: The Physics of Immortality (1995)
The significance of this book is that the writer did not realize so to see that his thoughts about physics and religion both came in the same context. The contradiction between science in religion, in his book spans, but has a basis: the opposition between science and church. After the church for fear of losing its base (belief in the book) people began to burn, the science created: one group of people who wished to discover what is true. This led to an independent culture. Now, a few centuries later, the circle is closed and it is the scientist who claim that their action, and that belief to 'unscientific' can be made. Who sees the psychological mechanisms that realizes it still is the same: people who seek security in a universe that they do not understand.
There is a parallel in both the classical science and the churches, compared to other quantum field theory and religion. The first look for security outside itself, in a set text / matter. The latter find security in their own choice / experience. This is the 'difference' between regulated and complementary medicine. The work of Tipler's been that way. Connecting with spirit matter shows a way of thinking. It's that mindset that also saw the connection between the physical and spiritual healing can be used.

The descriptions, pictures and formulas that he used his representations of relationships. Each image is a mental picture, so one way of thinking. The book is in that sense alone through the pictures to describe. Each formula includes a figure, without words to understand. The book as a whole, large 500 + pages, and cerebral exercise in which several steps are thought through.If you come from a dance at times and turn out another point. If a machine is about you thoughts go vatgeklonterde dragen.Het book is the need to exercise to think further, beyond which we can still understand. That is the essence of wiskunst: thinking in pure abstraction. That is what this book for the medicine can be understood. Physics reflects the level of the body. The wiskunst reflects the level of thinking, consciousness. Cosmology: the relationship between the two. The Omega Point, or god, is the core of health. (Which in this yearbook as the Comparison of Health is described.)
The godvergelijking, the zero point is described by Tipler: The omega equation:
The rest of the book legtuit how this is to understand why we used in terms of quantum theory, thinking, and why it applies to the entire universe: matter and information. That is why this body to use. This applies to the universe, we are a part of. The omega equation is, moreover, with some abstract thinking, easy to understand: it is a point the size of the universe. One point that is both part and whole is called a hologram. It is the point where the universe itself reverses itself. Lawrence Edwards has more graphically described in his book The Vortex of Life "in which a vortex model of the inside running of the universe. The wave models is described this as a Soliton, again, one part a whole.This is a good basis for a universal theory of healing, another word for healing.

Richard Gerber: Vibrational Medicine (1988)
Richard Gerber's book has already become almost a standard: the barrel a lot of research from various disciplines. Joined together in this book brings this picture into a) how much research has already been found, 20 how well the research that is available, 3) that you sometimes "over the border will be looking to find, and 4) that this research, in general, much more than is generally understood. The book brings the screen so that a distinction must be sized between what is known and what is supposed to be known. When told that something is "not known" or "not listed", it says that too often something about the laziness of the researcher. Currently, each day more than in literature issued a life to live. It's pretty much work out of the hands Gerber others had taken to write this summary of many different studies of so many countries. It's also nice that he has a clear order to present: that is one reason why this book was so widely known.He takes the reader from which they continue in school stabbing education: the old classical physics of Newton. In the second chapter the reader is already conceptually than a century later: the birth of quantum theory, has now even been a century ago.Chapter three: a half century later and half a century ago. In chapter four, the reader is almost at the time (now again so now than 20 years ago). Chapter 5 then scored in open goal: once the reader understands what the latest science has found, then the importance of traditional medicine to understand the universe can be understood as a combination of vibrations, which all things are connected. We are a part of, and the way that we deal with changes our perception and our balance / with and the environment. Resonance, electromagnetism (golf), radionics (resonance), smells (resonances in molecules), healing at a distance (resonance remote) healing crystal (resonant crystal lattices), and chackras (resonance and hormones) are discussed. The binding element is resonant, and the conclusion at the end is that we basically, so long valley known, good use.For those familiar with the field is a good book, along the lines of "You see, now you hear it from one another." It is in this sense also a good textbook to use. As a medical student this book in the first week of their first year could read, they would for the rest of their lives differently to heal and health looking. Moreover, it is significant that Bill Tiller the preface to this book wrote, and that the Tiller-Einstein equation - also in physics is still very under-publicized - in an appendix at the end of the book is listed separately. This is also a description in which the relationship between information and matter, but also between part and whole is explicitly described. It is the core of the concept of what one is looking for the cure: with that link should work. Gerber, which comes from the medical field is one of many who discovered that the abstract physics we can provide many insights into healing.

Most people 'live by reflex'; they experience it as their 'comfort zone'.
Such reflexes can become obsolete, and dysfunctional.
They can even backfire and become destructive: "self-sabotaging -behaviour".
By repairing/replacing/eliminating the reflexes such (self)damaging behaviour van be healed.

The reflex can only be healed
by dispelling the Conviction on which it was based
that requires revision of the original underlying decision
to thereby restore [[Freedom of Choice]].
A "''Devil''" is any reactivation of undigested defensive reflex behaviour; this is triggered by 'the original conditions'.
"''Purgatory''"is the emotional charge associated with such deeply repressed traumatic unresolved memories.
"''Hell''" is the black-hole blind-spot where unresolved traumatic memories are stored in the body-mind - and interfere with happy healthy cell-functioning.
"''Armageddon''" results when unresolved traumatic memories (devild") mutually trigger eachother intop a refkex cascade; this  is outside of conscious awareness. 

By discharging the emotional charge (Purgatory)
and accessing the repressed traumatic memory (Hell)
the unconscious defensive reflex behaviour (Devil)
and thus the reciprocal reflex activation cascade (Armageddon)
can be quickly resolved.
'Catching Lightning' refers to 'Seeing when Sub-personalities (Defensive Reflexes) take over'.
The activation/activity of the Sub-personality can be compared to 'healing the thunder rumble'.
Yet, before the reflexes 'take over', a sudden switch took place; 'when consciousness was lost'.
Neither those who switch to their defensive reflex, not those interacting with them, notice when that switch takes place.

Those who can see the aura, can 'see' when someone switches to (defensive) reflex behaviour; 'sub-personality activation'.
Those who make the sudden switch are not aware of it; 'reflexes work 1000x faster than you can think'.
Those who interact with them do not notice the switch until //after// it happened (and are unaware which Sub-personality 'took control').
It is necessary to be alert, in interacting with people operating Sub-personalities, when that sudden switch to reflex response takes place.

# Dowse for the number of Sub-personalities of the one you interact with
# Dowse for the principal [[Hara Dislocation]]s for each suspected Sub-personality
# Dowse for suspected [[Hara Dislocation]] Triggers ('Topics/actions catalysing crisis').
# Be alert that Sub-personalities //can// take over, and pre-empt '//when// that can occur.
By being members, students, self-practitioners and supporters of the centre for integral health care, they experience a totally different health care system. Instead of paying for insurance for the payment of doctors, medication, hospitals and insurance, they invest in their own health and well-being, they learn about health, they experience healthy lifestyle,, and actively know how to foster health for themselves and others, A centre for Integral Health Care is an active community for the experience and realisation of health, personally and collectively.
At present, these are translations of the original texts (in Dutch), of publications for conferences and journals, plus items from journal columns.
As soon as a text has been reworked and reviewed the original publication date will be shown on top of the text.

[[Book Digest]]
[[Author Digest]]
> ''Contagious Health'' (c)
> ''Ansteckende Gesundheit'' (c)
> ''Santée Contagieuse'' (c)
> ''Aanstekelijke Gezondheid'' (c)

SIG applies he principle found within our body: __//health promotes health//__.

The basis of our body is not the fighting off of disease, but the ability to learn how to cope/deal with changes of context.

Our [[Freedom of Choice]] and our Ability for [[Adaptation]] are related: we live and learn, in a changing context.
Our body has millions of years of experience of survival on Earth. It knows how to adopt and adapt.

Your body is Not alone in doing this, by knowing how to do this by its origin.
[[(Y)Our Body]] is "a Cell in the Body of Humanity.

Just as cells form a unity of units by their feedforward-feedback loops...
... likewise by balanced reciprocal mutual 'give-&-take' humans 'aPart' form a whole.

When our ability to learn and adapt is impaired, this is most often the case because we ignore our contact with our context.
Our living body cells show how communication is the essence for integration.

//This ability is inbuilt in our body//.
It is possible to experience and learn this, teach this and thus promote contagious health (c)

[[Centres for Integral Health Care]] do not operate by curing disease but by teaching health.
As a result, everybody who comes on for treatment is invited to learn how to heal that affliction, once they are healed.
By a schematic of "Experience, See, Do, Teach" everyone can come to learn the theory and practice of healing that affliction, and then help teach that to others.
The result is that everybody who has had that disease becomes an active agent in the treatment of that disease. In this way diseases are treated quicker and better the more they emerge. Thereby Health is restored quickest, in the whole population.
''Health Care Core Curriculum''
*[[Science of Life]]
*[[Healing Health Care]]
*[[Integral Health Care]]
!Integral Health Care
''Integral Health Care combines the essence of all forms of healing''.
:''It lies the basis of healing within our own body, as our capacity for self-healing, as found in the synergy of our living body cells''.

[[Integral Health Care]] offers the solution of the problems addressed in Healing Health Care. it explains why, and how, all forms of healing can be combined, and how this resolves a fundamental issue in science: the integration of the Four Fundamental Forces of Physics, by realising that all of these forces is the same, perceived from a different perspective, and that in our body these perspectives are combined. This course unifies Somatic, Ayurvedic, Acupuncture and Spiritual forms of healing.

[[Science of Life]] provides the next essential step in the development of science: the integration of the subjective perspective in objective realisation. This course presents the Equation of Health, which shows the nature of health, the origin of diseases, and the way our body maintains its integration on basis of information. It combines physics with metaphysics, in showing that living organisms are information processors, and cannot be regarded as objects but “more than” supercomputers. With [[Freedom of Choice]].

[[Healing Health Care]] provides the basic understanding of the limitations of any model or method of healing. It also deals with the limitations and restrictions of ‘Modern’ medicine, and the reasons why this needs to be considered obsolete by the standards of modern physical science. Quantum Theory makes clear that reality is a realisation. This implies that we need to include the subjective observer perspective in the objective formulation of findings.

[[Integral Health Care Core Curriculum|mEducation]] is an instructive experiential teaching/training in the modalities of different forms of healing.
!Courses beyond the core curriculum:

SIG offers and hosts a wide range of courses.
If you have courses to contribute, contact SIG.
:To the right you find a listing of electives.
::Each addresses some fundamental aspect of or experience or being.

*[[Bye-Bye Behaviour]] is an invitation to become aware of the role of Reflexes in our life; and to not let your life be run by reflex.
*[[Bye-Bye Devils]] is an clean-out of self-sabotaging and destructive Reflexes.
*[[Healers Healing Healers]] helps healers to get un-stuck and (mutually) improve their health, and that of their clients.
"''//Electro-magnetism//''" is but half of the story; 'ElectroNmagnetism' (//Electron-magnetism//) also exists.
ElectroNmagnetism is the effect of electromagnetic (Quantum) fields on Electrons.
Electron relocation, alone, determines the interchange between Atoms <=> Molecules <=> Matter.
ElectroNmagnetism (a.k.a. "Alchemy") is the essence of [[The Zipper of Manifestation]]:
>''Photon-leap <=> Electron-leap <=> Electron-oscillation <=> Electron-bonding''
> Quantum change <=> Atomic change <=> Molecular change <=> Material change
> Information <=> Transformation <=> Process <=> State
> Consciousness <=> Energy <=> Time <=> Space
The foundation for ElectroNmagnetism lies in the 4D nature of the [[Tetryonic Quantum|]].
Therein a 0D electric duon __charge__ with 1D __linear momentum__ motion evokes a 2D lateral __magnetic__ wake with associated ("Right Hand Rule") 3D Vortex (__rotational momentum__).
4 (Tetryonic) Quanta can form a structurally inert (tetrahedral) Tetryon: the structurally inert primordial unit form of Matter.
As the Tetryon is surface charged, it can coagulate and aggregate and from Tetryon clusters,
:The Electron is a cluster of 3 Tetryons.
:The Proton and Electron are clusters of 12 Tetryons, each.
:Therein the Neutron has a net zero-sum surface charge; and the Proton and Neutron can strong-bond at one of their surfaces.
:Between the bonded Proton+Neutron (="Deuteron") there is a Niche in which an Electron can be 'captured/suspended/released'.
Type the text for 'New Tiddler'
'Golem' is a traditional Hebrew term referring to a primitive form of consciousness.
The word "Golem" is here given a much more defined and practical meaning.
Here, the term "Golem" is used to describe "Psychic Wound Fluid" (psychic endoplasm).
It serves to describe the counterpart of wound fluid (Blood Serum) of the Body; for the Mind.

Golem is thereby also the counterpart of the Stem Cell; the '(re)generative Cell - the Wound Healing basic cell.
The Stem Cell, is undefined - and can develop into any specific body cell.
The Golem is an undefined 'mental spate/process, which can develop into any cognitive process/awareness.
However, when it is stagnated in its development it can become a problem; just as wound serum/fluid can become puss.
Governments have started to do 'false representation'.
They no longer represents the population, which supposedly 'elects' them.
Instead 'governments' represent the interests of corporations.
Those corporations, via lobbyists and 'think tanks', 'advice' = //tell governments 'what to think'// - that is not what you think

Governments are not able, not qualified, not competent and not allowed to administer health care.
Politicians are not medical professionals; and if they are they can only practice in their own practice.
Government has neither the knowledge, understanding, information not competence to know how to treat your disease, your body, or care for your health.
This is mainly because, over years and centuries, governments have not properly stimulated Health Care; care for Health - //only you can care for your own health//.

The competency to offer health care therapies/treatments lies with health care professionals.
Yet, whatever therapies they offer; those will only work 'if the/our/your body understand them'.
The body operates by 'Body-language', which MD's/Politicians do not know nor understand.
Yet you, yourself, unconsciously unknowingly understand [[Body-language]], because you have a body.

Whatever therapy any therapists offers, it always relies on your capacity for self-healing.
Self-healing is what our body does 'all the time'.
"disease' is a temporary/chronic moment hen the body 'gets stuck' in the process of self-healing.
Whatever method which resolves that 'stuckness' restores health by restoring self-healing 

Governments must make no health care policies.
Governments need to help all people 'be polite to their own body'.
When a body is respected, treated well, and well cared for, and well maintained it will function perfectly.
Yes, you may need to resolve mishaps you caused, or inherited from your ancestors, ow which will inflicted on you by uncaring others (including environment toxins).
But when you understand that only you can care for your own health, you will determine your own health care policy: [[DIY-DIT]].

Government schooling has caused people to 'forget' that.
Many people have been mislead to believe that a 'government takes care, and gives care'.
Many governments take more that they give.
And anu politicians which represents you, misrepresents you: they are not you, they do not know you, they do not care about you; they will not care for you.

Listen to your body.
Learn from your body.
Care for your body.
Create your own health care [[DIY DIT]]
The Hara is the central Pivot of the Digestive System Bynamic.
The Digestive System is 'the snake/circulation' in 'the tree'( of life/decision) in 'the garden of Eden'.
In Traditional Medicine this is represented by the 5 Element Cycle of the Organs, around the navel.
The Hara is the virtual centre of this cycle, in which [[All Organs are ONE Organ]].

Due to [[Life Shock]]s, 'Hara Dislocation' can occur.
Instead that all organs function around their implied centre, ''one organ becomes dominant''.
By the principle of the ''Chinese Organ Cycle/Clock'', every Organ has its period when it is most active.
In some (crisis) settings/situations, an Organ can become 'stuck'; and stays dominant 'past its time'.

Due to "Hara Dislocation" one organ becomes and stays dominant; 'repressing all other organs.
In a visual image: it is as in the centre of the 5 Element/Organ cycle has relocated onto/into only 1 Organ.
As a result, all other organs have only a secondary role; and while they 'do their thing' are 'tainted by the dominant organ'.
This not only affect the Organ, but also their corresponding emotions, affecting the individual, and their interactions (thus: society/humanity).
In the [[Centres for Integral Health Care]], all therapists treat each other.
This gives them a personal experience of the healing techniques and effects of/on each other.
It also helps them experience healing on a regular basis: one a week they will feel well and thereby function better as person and healer.
By their personal experience they also know what the other healers can offer their clients, and thus help them heal in more ways.
A 'Healotheque' (or 'Healibrary') is a community owned-&-operated repository of medical implements.
These  are standard medical means and devices which any/every Healotheque user can (learn to) use.
All users describe their experiences with these items, and offer suggestions for their improvement.
All users thereby also contribute to improving effective healing/prevention of the treated diseases.
Do you wish to operate your clinic as ''Centre for Integral Health Care''?
:Consult SIG for advice on how to make use of your resources, those of your neighbourhood, society and clients to set up a centre for health.
Every proposal for ''Health by Design'' makes optimal use of what you aim for and can offer.
:This advise is available only for institutions and therapists who wish to operate a centre for health care.
://It is not available for persons or institutes who seek payment for treatment of disease//.
SIG applies he principle found within our body: ''health promotes health'' ([[Contagious Health]]).
:The basis of our body is not the fighting off of disease, but the ability to learn how to cope/deal with changes of context.
Our [[Freedom of Choice]] and our Ability for [[Adaptation]] are related: we live and learn, in a changing context.
:Our body has millions of years of experience of survival on Earth; It knows how to adopt and adapt.
When our ability to learn and adapt is impaired, this is most often the case because we ignore our contact with our context.
:Our living body cells show how communication is the essence for integration.
This ability is inbuilt in our body.
:It is possible to experience and learn this, teach this and thus promote [[Contagious Health]] (c)
[[Therapy Tutor Trainings]] is a Blueprint explaining how to enhance the quality of your professional practice, by teaching your clients what you know.
:It helps them have deeper appreciation for what you do, relieves you of the most common treatments, helps you to offer a more elevated professional quality, and solicits wider support for your experience, expertise and practice.
Some researchers have done great work on helping us understand Health.
This is a great feat, in a society where many try to get rich off disease...
The authors below are but a small selection of the many offering fundamental insights.
The work that is presented for each, complements that of the others; together they offer the basis for understanding Integral Health Care.

If you read their works, you already understand the basis of/for [[Integral Health Care]].

[[Kelvin Abraham]]
[[Ludwig von Bertalanffy]]
[[Henry Langhaar]]
[[Vanessa Hill & Peter Rowlands]]
[[Bert Verveen]]
[[Bill Tiller]]
[[Mae-Wan Ho]]
[[James Oschmann]]
[[Charles Rowlatt]]
[[Roel van Wijk]]
[[Marty Wuttke]]
[[Bert Verveen]]
[[Valerie Hunt]]
[[Ervin Laszlo]]
[[Selected Authors]]
[[Cyril Smith]]
[[Hans Selye]]
[[Björn Nordenström]]
[[Herbert Fröhlich]]
[[Food & Health]]
[[David Bohm]]
[[Jacques Beneniste]]
[[Book Digest]]
[[Collected Essays]]
All cultures of the planet have developed their own form of healing. Each in their own natural context, based on their own world view, expressed in their own language, and created to suit their own conditioned cultural consensus.
All of the cultures of the planet, and their forms of healing, can be compared to organs in the body. They all complement each other, and together they form the body of knowledge of healing.
Integral Health Care not only integrates the forms of healing of the planet, but also the planet's cultures.
By combining the different forms of healing they can achieve much more tan each alone, by synergy. Precisely because they use differences in perspective, they address different levels of functioning of our body. Healing is not the result of the application of a method, but by the body understanding how it functions, by being understood in how it functions.

!''Integral Health Care'' unifies ''modern science'' with ''traditional health care''.

1) ''Modern Medicine'' reflects the tenets of ''Classical Science''.
This is an approach designed from an ''Anatomical perspective''.
It is object based, mechanistic, relies on  the predictability that is characteristic for inertia (dead  matter)
2) ''Ayurvedic'' Healing reflects the concepts of ''Relativity Theory''.
This is a practice based on ''Physiologic'' principles
It makes use of the relationship between the processes within our body and those of our context, to guide the healthy process back into coherence.
3) ''Acupuncture'' therapy represents the application of ''Quantum Theory''.
It is interacts with the ''Regulatory System'', and is a Cybernetic approach.
It applies the understanding that the stability of our body is regulated by the interplay between our points of contact with our context.
4) ''Spiritual healing'' reflects the principle of united/holographic coherence. of ''Unified Field Theory''.
It understands that matter is a form of ''information'', and reality a form of ''realisation''.

It realises that reality is a realisation, and that our world view must match the integrity of our context, in order to experience the integrity of the universe within us (health) and between us (peace)
Our body shows how Anatomy, Physiology, system Regulation and systemic Integration are all united.
The materials of our body - secreted by living cells - show how solid, liquid, gas and plasma (information) all are unified in living beings.

The difference between living beings and inanimate matter lies in Freedom of Choice.
This must be accounted for and applied in healing.

All healing is based on self healing.
The immune system is a system for adaptation, it is our basis of/for learning.

Integral Health Care is based on the understanding that our health is based on the integrity within us of our integration with/in/within our context.
Health is the expression of a life style which is integrated in our uniVersal context.

The integrity of our body is based on the integration, communication, of living cells.
The molecules they exchange are carriers of information; they do not operate by energy, but Synergy.

The various forms of healing complement each other, in the same manner as seen in our body organs.
Together they form the bridge for the integration of Information and Matter, in our living being.

Healing is the art of restoring the integrity of that connection.
The art/act of healing is based on the principles of self-healing on which our body is based.
[[Welcome]] [[Integral Health Care]] [[Preventive Care]] [[Self Care]] [[Web Doctor]] [[Science of Life]] [[mEducation]] [[Contagious Health]] [[Health by Design]] [[Gallery]]
!!In overview, this is what this web site offers:
| ![[Integral Health Care]]|| [[Preventive Care]] | [[Self Care]] | [[Web Doctor]] | [[Science of Life]] |
| ![[mEducation]]|| [[Core Curriculum]] | [[Our Living Body]] | [[Science of Life]] | [[Electives]] |
| ![[Contagious Health]]|| [[Self-care]] | [[Mutual-care]] | [[Early-detection/correction]] | [[Disease-prevention]] |
| ![[Health by Design]]|| [[Handbook]] | [[Therapy Tutors|Therapy Tutor Trainings]] | [[Self Assured]] | [[Insights]] |
Titles in ''Bold'' are already described.
Titles in //Italic// are yet to be added.
#[[Integral Health Care]] presents the LOGIC for the integration of all forms of healing,
#[[mEducation]] offers means and methods on how to LEARN THIS ([[Holoversity|]]),
#[[Contagious Health]] invites YOU to DO this: use integral health care,
#[[Health by Design]] offers insight on backgrounds, visions and insights.
>See also [[Projects]] for other ongoing research.
>Some are elaborated in separate [[sub-sites|Sites]].
[[Integral Health Care]]
[[Contagious Health]]
[[Science of Life]]
[[Health by Design]]
[[Therapy Tutors|Therapy Tutor Trainings]]
[[Self Assured]]
[[re-MD-all Teaching|Remedial Teaching for MD's]]
[[Healing Health Care]]


to download
this entire
Most of the diseases (including physical trauma) are due to a momentary loss/lapse of consciousness.
As a result, the [[Information Integration]] on the [[Body-Mind]] falters/fails.
That causes a disarray/disruption of [[System Regulation]], thence Physiology => Pathology, and only finally is that seen on Anatomy as dysmorphia.
The cure starts by restoring Information Integrity]], for which Meditation is an important tool.

Meditation can be compared to taking a car to a garage.
First you get it off the road.
Then you drive it into the garage.
Then you put it onto the repair bridge.

In order for the Body-Mind to heal, you need to activate its self-healing.
You need to stop thinking (ending involvement).
Then you can see what mind does 'all by itself'.
And you can see it do self-repair (do not get involved!) ot help it do self-repair ('clean out your own rubbish').

Meditation makes use of [[The Sleep Cycle]].
Disengage from involvement in the environment; close your eyes and focus on the body.
Shift your attention from "what' happens to 'how' it happens: watch the body 'do its thing.
Notice how, when you no longer get involved, the body self-heals (do not get involved).

The 1^^st^^ phase is to move away from environment-involvement (beta brain waves).
The 2^^nd^^ phase is to drift away from sensing after-effects (alpha brain waves).
The 3^^rd^^ phase is to detach from whatever goes on (theta brain waves).
The final 4^^th^^ phase is to become aware that your body knows and what the body does (delta brain waves).

Essntially it is that simple.
But there is more to it.
And much more yet to be gained.
For that reason we can describe this in more detail...


If only it were that simple, that problems can be solved by not to think about ...
Ostrich Politics (and symptoms) is counterproductive.Understanding the background of the problem may indeed help.The following explains how meditation works as medication.

Many people are addicted to experience-of-the-environment.Their attention, and body, are constantly used for dealing with what they are not: their environment. As a result, their bodies, and consciousness, the contact itself can seem to lose. Recommend that all world medicine: meditation and medication.

We see them taking any decisions' sleep, the great healer. " In the sleep cycle a systematic de-coupling of our environment, followed by a restoration of integration. The sleep cycle is a metaphor for what we find in the cell cycle: one of the phases of the cycle - the pause phase - is a moment in which the processes in the cell are aligned with the processes of the area.

These natural cycles are part of our special way of embedding in our environment: we are an integral part of, but there are apparently separate from. This means that our bodies as an object could / should look, but in interaction with the environment.While our body as an anatomical object is self-employed to re-know in the physiology to see that the body processes are part of the processes of the environment: it is a continuous flow of processes. In the regulatory system we even see how the body flows with the currents of the environment are intertwined. Our skin, gut, cell walls and show that brains, and how they transform this interaction with the environment. But there is a deeper level of functioning: the integration system. In it we have both a picture of our relationship, but also experience a picture of our environment.

Technically, we never have an experience of our surroundings.Every idea that we shall make is based on responses of cells in our bodies. All our sensors are cells in our body and are a part of: eyes, nose, tongue, ears, skin, ... The vibrations to which they respond, are observed in our body. In our senses we can see that the perception of the environment there has to be reduced: vibrations of different size and speed. Our bodies are instruments for the multitude of vibrations in 'slices' to register.

This means that in us is a system which "slices" to reintegrate.Like the intestinal wall molecules (eg triglycerides) gets set to on the other side of the bowel wall reconstitution (restore), so we do with information. In the brains of experienced meditators that found: on the basis of "lower brain functions (related to the functioning of the brain cells themselves, the thalamus (their pace-maker or integrating factor), the organ functions of the brains (and body) and the perception of the environment.

In these brains hersencelfuncties connected to different brain frequencies. They are alpha, beta, theta and delta called (a, b, q, d). It appears - in experienced meditators - that brain frequencies were matching, they have a coherence that is changing. In the sleep cycle that systematically tuning unconsciously done several times a night. The same process is also aware either: that is called "meditation".

Experienced meditators is found that the brain frequencies (a, b, q, d) by their interplay to a new, fifth, leading frequency (the 'quintessence'): gamma waves. That is a higher frequency that can occur because the lower frequencies can regain their cohesion. This leads to an integration function, and experience: we speak of "universal consciousness". The 'slices' of perception 'of the environment', are telescoped, and our commitment to the environment is experienced in unity.

Our self-employed in the area is apparent, we are and always remain an integral part of it. That relationship did not see when our body (anatomical) object being viewed. It is necessary coherence and structure of our body to look in more depth. Then to see that the anatomy is the result of physiology, which in its operation back on the regulatory system is based, but that regulatory system reflects our perception of our surroundings. We have an integration system in our body, which is based on our integration in / with our environment. We see this in all our molecules, cell membranes, cells and organs.

Our body functions as part of a whole. All our body functions and body structures are a part of. It can also be recognized that the shape of our bodies is a result of a formation process in our bodies based on our perception of our surroundings. Our information integration system is therefore a central tool in our perception of our surroundings. "Information Integration" is another term for "health". If our body functions as part of a whole body is called "healthy". Sick "is the word that describes that relationship is disturbed.

The basis of consistency that can be found in the structure of molecules, cell membranes, cells and organs, our body. The nature of this relationship can be found in the combination of our brain frequencies: a, b, q, d and g. Form and function are directly linked: the integration system ensures that we remain in our unity with our environment. The system is used to control our borders therein / so to adjust / recover. The physiology is to convey to them our body to form / deform. And the anatomy is the result: a structure in motion in the area.

As the cell cycle, sleep cycle, and consistency in the brains show: that movement in the area is possible because we are an integral part of the area. The shape of our bodies is based on processes in response to a regulation, as a result of the integration in the area. The break phase of the cell, deep sleep, and deep brain rhythms are the basis for our work. Restoration of our body is an ongoing process in which our perception of the environment is based on the experience - and existence - of our bodies.

The sleep cycle is explicitly experience. Every night, more buts per night, we disconnect from our experience of the environment (b). We go through a phase of working society of our body (a).Then we enter a phase of working society of organic processes (q). And finally we reach a stage where the body, organs, cells, only busy with their function as cells (d). That is true, as in the break cycle of the cells, the cells find themselves in the know.Then restart the cycle, and the cells find themselves with each other (q), with the body (a) and with the environment (b).

!Zero acceleration
As in a car between all gears, forward and backward, even a zero acceleration can be found, so there is also a slowdown in our body which the body is not used for the environment but self-recovery. Self-healing is so important that it plays a big role in our lives: we sleep. "Sleep is the best healer" summarizes the experience of self in recovery sleep together. "Sleeping rich" describes the role of a slap on the greater of our lives: the ability to re-live our experience.

!Body Consciousness
Many diseases can not be cured without using other levels of consciousness. In the interaction between cells and organs in a body in contact with the environment, various forms of communication play it a role. Each of these forms of communication is a different form of engagement, and is named as another form of consciousness. In dealing with our bodies, all these forms of consciousness together. In healing we restore the body's involvement in / with the environment, in which all forms of consciousness involved.

!Beware, Be aware
Awareness has to do with differing levels of involvement with the environment. Between them is a consistency to appoint:
1. Cells: conscious (self-consciously)
2. Orgenen: subconscious (part of shared awareness)
3. Body: unconscious (absorbed into collective consciousness)
4. Setting: outside-conscious (aware of what is happening outside our body).

In normal spoken this is reversed described:
1) consciousness is the experience of the environment
2) subconscious mind is the experience of the body's processes
3) unconscious, the functioning of the organs
4) unconscious perception of our existence without being aware of having

In the process of healing is about the integration between body and environment to recover. It is about the welfare of the cells in the organs of the body in the area. It is therefore the different types of involvement:
1) The welfare of the cells induviduele
2) The connections between individual cells
3) The functioning of cells in groups
4) The existence of the whole body from the integrity of the integration of these cells.

!Involvement in working society
Cure, or Helen, is about the restoration of wholeness. This is not about the repair of an objective body, which is also about the integrity of our experience in our environment. Involvement, so consciousness, and plays crucial role. Consciousness is involved clockwise and fucntioneren of our body. Digesting matter follow the same principles as the digestion of information. There is a significance to it (may) ((h)) knowing the meaning of the various levels and forms of consciousness.

!Meditation Techniques
Meditation is a technique to these levels of awareness to know and use. It is not used as a tool he is tom. This is the ability to deal with the gene experience. Experience is a verb: working life: an active part in the global processes of life. Therein mush choice - changing commitment - an important factor. The impact of changes we experience as consciousness.

!Be-life of free choice
These are subjective working our society: freedom of choice in changing our involvement in our environment, and it also changing vom and level of consciousness. If our engagement with our environment is disrupted, cancels the effect on our perception of consciousness. The change of engagement, so consciousness, making it an arrow of (self) healing. This is known and understood in all world cultures. It concerns the choice of commitment, consciousness and perception.

Healing restores contact with the environment. Healing restores the involvement therein, so the awareness, freedom of choice in perception. The basis of this is found in the cell functions. The perception of them is known as meditation. Meditation is shifting the aandachht of functioning in the area, to the autonomous functioning vabn our cells, the basis of our experience and life.Meditation is thus a direct route to the base of our integration into our environment. "Meditation as Medication" summarizes the principles of cooperation.

!Forms of meditation
So many gears as there are in a car, there are many roads to the zero acceleration: freewheel. In our bodies and our experience we have many more options and choices than we like to see gears in a car. We also have so many ways according to disconnect us from our environment and our self-being to experience. There are so many familiar forms of meditation.

!Basic Form of experience
One of the basic forms of medication is based on building up our body anatomy as a result of physiology in response to the regulatory system as a reflection of our experience of integration into our environment. Traditionally, one speaks of Body, Mind, Soul & Spirit (body, experience, passion and spirit). Our body is our aanknopingspint to Earth, a Space-Time. Our perception has to do with our exchange with our environment, a process in the Time-Space. Coaching is the consistency of our bodies and our experience in a changing environment, it is a central 'Attractor' (integrating factor) in our lives, an interactor in the Mind-Energy.Spirit is the basis of our existence and our experience, the fact that we are part of our environment. Man (ness) was created as part of the universe, our self-being is a working society of universal principles and laws, it is a form (in) Energy of Consciousness

It is only recently that the relationship between body and mind in this way can be described. Science had initially focused on understanding of matter. Since about a century after the texts from (Far) East were translated in Europe, it became possible to the essence of matter in her essence to understand: Matter bleached consist of molecules formed from atoms originated from Subatomic fields of information ( phase). In cosmology is now from the physics of what the ancient cultures from their spiritual studies have found and described.

!Phase Relations
The result is that we can see that in the four states of matter have to do: Solid, Liquid, Gaseous and Plasma. What the Alchemists described as Earth, Water, Air and Light as we now appoint phase states: Solid, Liquid, Gaseous and Plasma. Importantly, these phases transform into each other: the quintessence (the fifth essence) of the Alchemists is what we now know as Free Choice: the ability to change from one phase state to move into another.

!Universal closeness
This is the principle that we in our body at first hand working life.Solid (Anatomy) is formed from the melting (physiological) processes, which result from changes in the alignment (neurocrine) process control, in response to our (psycho-immunological) perception of our environment. As matter is made of physical forms, chemical processes (molecules), electromagnetic interactions (atoms) and phase changes of information, so that our bodies. Our body is not a physical object in space: it is a space-time structure. Our body is not a chemical process: it is a time-space process. Our body has no energetic interactions: the interaction is in Consciousness-Energy. Our body is not information, it is a part of our experience of consciousness-energy.

!The observer determines the observation
Man is not a creature but creator. What science at present many-syllable words begin to explain has long been known to other cultures. The principle is as old as mankind: we are part of the universe and our body is a tool to that (may) experience. Life is the learning experience in / of / with creation. This awareness is of Physics stated as "the perception is determined by the observer. Our commitment is changing our perception. The same thing is, though, much longer, described by all religions.

!Truth is a perception
It means that we are different and his humanity can or should think. Man is not an object in space, not a machine which can harm lutes, and certainly no computer, no body made of dead matter. In her quest to learn, from her opposition to the dogma of churches, science has in the past focused on the study of matter, that was more simple. Now the area is already well understood down to its essence: it shows a form of information in formation.The science is so true to what the religions (not churches) have suggested.

!Universal Connection
This has a direct impact on our perception of our body.Cosmology As we see from our body is formed from the same form and consistency as all the rest of the universe. Humanity, like all forms of life, basic due to the formation of the universe.What we experience in our body is the same as is found in the entire universe. Where you inside your skin You're outside-the-skin the universe. The universe is an integral field of vibration (of information) which we are an integral part. The experience of this integration is called health. (The loss of this integration is called disease). It is essential that our skin is not a separation but a connection. You're part of, and participate in, a whole.

!Objectivity does not exist
That's all for a long time by the religions, and now by science, is described. Our body is no object, but part of a process of transformation of consciousness. Our life is not outside reality (we objective observer) but constitutes part of direct and has a direct effect. Our skin is not only a divorce but also the connection. In our body we can experience at first hand what the science is not to describe, and for which the religions can find no words, we are part of the whole. That is the essence of healing: healing. It is the return of this integration in our environment.

*Our body is not an object.
*It is not composed of dead matter.
*It is not unconscious.
*It is not determined by genes.

Our body is part of our environment. We are in direct interaction with our environment. It is formed by use of matter in our environment. Our body is a tangible form of / for / in our subjective experience.

!Subjective working society
Everything religions describe as aspects and functions of the universe, in our body to experience at first hand. In that sense our bodies not only the basis of our lives but also our starting point to our environment and our basic connectedness in the universe, creation. "We are not creatures, but creators." This is something we all we (not) do experience: subject and object are always connected. If our bodies are no longer a subjectivity and objectivity, then you're a corpse, and the material it is soon explained. Our essence is not made of that matter (which falls apart) but the relationship between them. As we can see in health and disease, health is the essence of integration into our environment. Illness and death is a manifestation of disintegration.

!"Sleep, the healer"
In our body we can see that integration is the basis of our experience. This brings us back to "Sleep, the Great Healer." In the sleep cycle, we see that our body goes through a cycle literally where we go from part to whole. We go to sleep a cross from separation to connection. In the waking state, our attention to the environment related: outer consciousness. When we experience sleep processes in the body: body awareness. In deep sleep, we experience the lagging thoughts and emotions: the digestive processes of our bodies. Below we experience the function of our cells, the basis of our experience in the universe.

!Sleep Cycle
The sleep cycle has four components as we cycle:
1) Beta waves: perception of our environment
2) alpha waves: body dysmorphic
3) theta waves: body processes and after-miles of thoughts and emotions from past experience
4) delta waves, the basic vital function of our cells.

!Shifting Attention
The most basic form of meditation is based on this relationship. It consists of a series of sequential steps, which leak through the experience of it is saturated. Usually it takes only a few minutes per step.
1) attention to the environment: totally immersed in what you can see, smell, hear and feel.
2) attention to the body: all that flows, vibrates, and it is right to feel
3) releasing the thoughts and emotions is realize that this is nothing more than rehashing of previous experience
4) are. Experience that without something does everything himself does in your body.

!Perception of involvement
This is what was described as being above the zero acceleration of the car. In our body this is true then the activity is focused on the functioning of the body. From the body is the working society of the four steps above, namely different:
1) the conscious perception of the cells
2) the portion of the cells in the function of organs
3) the merger of cell function in the functioning of the body
4) experience it in the body, the bodies in the cells of the experience of the environment.

!Restoration of basic function(ing)s
In meditation, the activity is reduced to its core: the functioning of the cells. It presents the basic cell function (cell life, cell division, organ formation, organ functions) central in the experience.Instead the cells are used in dealing with the environment, working in and with the cells themselves, together. The result is that the cell function of the environment can be disengaged, allowing the confusion surrounding processes can be resolved.The inherent integral processes that formed the body, than in the body, to re-establish. This is an active process. This is what happens when we sleep all the time. This is what is explicitly turned on in meditation.

!Self-Healing and lifestyle
The reason why insurance discounts to people who are experienced in meditation is simple: these people learn to differentiate between their perceived experience of their environment and their perception of their body, the 'addiction to the environment "is thus broken. They experience their bodies as objects but as subjects. They realize that reality is not objective, but each laborious nature subjective. They feel that objectivity is based on subjectivity. In other words, they realize that it matters how they experience their bodies, dealing with their body, and dealing with their environment. They make fewer mistakes in dealing with the environment, staying healthy.

!Meditation as Medication
Meditation as Medication is the simple conclusion that most disease can be resolved, and prevent the restoration of self-activating the body. That which is done automatically while we sleep consciously. That is why all world religions meditate advertising. Each of the techniques has to do with the functioning of our body as part of the universe. In many cultures, this polite and thoroughly investigated, so it is described in more detail. For example: The four phases are diverted attention from environment to experience, is also building up our bodies to re-know.

Re-make of the experience of the environment
1) In our heads we experience most strongly the surroundings: the world in hoofdbol
2) in the thoracic re-live we exchange with the environment, the breathing and heartbeat
3) in the intestines, we experience the transformation of / in / with / from the area in the transference through the intestinal wall
4) in our bones we experience the basis of our existence in the life of our cells.

!Re-setting body integration
In the traditional description, Head, Heart, Hara (gut) and Sacral the four areas in which we in our body as a whole the experience exchange with the environment:
1) outside world,
2) exchange,
3) transfer,
4) integration.
From the cell picture is reversed:
1) celbeleving,
2) part of body experience,
3) absorption in body image,
4) undergoing the experience of the environment.
The difference in views is important:
From the cells, there are four levels of involvement in the experience:
1) celbewustzijn,
2) under-body-consciousness,
3) body-on-consciousness, and
4) outside of awareness.
This is opposite of what people describe themselves and each other:
1) consciousness is considered the experience of the environment
2) is linked to subconscious awareness of body
3) unconscious is related to the organic processes
4) unconscious (coma) is based on processes of the cells.

!Self Recovery
Meditation helps to identify these forms, and involvement with the natural environment from their perspective, experience, and describe. It shows that the outer awareness (perception of the environment) is based on the proper functioning of the cells. It is natural to experience that again cell function can recover if it goes its own way, solve the division and in the perception of torn / with the environment. Meditation helps the perception of the environment be traced back to its core: the vital working society of the cells.

Of environmental experience to self-experience
Meditation disconnects people from their perception of the environment and reduces the perception of self. This is why many political systems have tried to train these religions bring home churches. At the time that people in their natural attachment body working life, working life, they also improve their autonomy in their environment. Autonomy is a feature of health dependence symptom of a disease. The more people meditate they feel better that their body is one with the universe: it forms an integral part of.

Meditation is thus in a sense a political act. In cultures where people are parasites on humans, meditation discouraged.Where people support people, meditation is encouraged.Without meditation, people are more dependent on their environment, and therefore out of control. (Checking the way they meditate plays a role). With meditation, people are more autonomous, aware of their uniqueness and the uniqueness of life in their decisions by seeing the further consequences. In other words, people who meditate are more likely to realize that what they do affects and the universe. People who do not meditate sometimes disconnected from their experience of the environment, and do not see the consequences of their actions.In our society, many examples of aandachtafleiders which meditation is often not central.

!Self Care
Conversely, meditation is attention and a place to give interesting effects. For example, in hospitals, nursing homes, retirement homes and prisons meditation to good effect to make the integration into the environment to recover. Meditation is a simple technique, which implies that the body is under way late to restore its own integrity. By being aware of the time in question, that conscious experience, is more than sleep.

!Feel Well
Hospitals are offering meditations that will make them the focus of their perception of their bodies can expand their minds. In psychiatry, allows one to reverse the attention to restore their bodies to their disconnected thoughts. In homes it is possible to shift from awareness to experience working life and their experiences in a wider perspective to review and integrate (and unifinished business to heal). In prisons, it is possible to decoupling themselves to restoring the environment (much crime is merely a symptom of society is that someone unplugged them and not sure how that integrity can re-establish).

!Autonomy and Health
One of the reasons why meditation as standard medication is used, precisely because it shifted the focus from objective to subjective treatment experience. As with the use of pacebo, the trade will not benefit from their own health when people learn to re-live. But this is not health care industry financial interests, but to care for the health of the population. Based on the health of every person. And that is again based on the self-healing.Activation and re-live that self-healing ability is the foundation of care for (public) health.

!Meditation (be) exercise
How easy it can be in the next exercise experience. It is a breathing exercise in which the four levels of self-organization of the body are linked. The link uses the internal consistency of et body. In that connection, the connection between outer and inner, object and subject, direct experience. The exercise is simple, but its impact goes much deeper than might at first be expected. It is therefore best to do this exercise at a time when you really take time and space, with no other activities. Following this exercise a few times "pure" to have done, that can be combined with other activities.

The name of the breathing patterns to the different elements of coherence in the universe: Fire (beginning), Air (exchange), water (electricity) Earth (structure)

1) Breath of Fire: a number of short rapid breathing drafts through the nose, where in fact not much more than the nostrils move.
2) air breathing: by pulling the bellows breath, a movement of the ribs, the lungs
3) Water breathing: extension of the drafts to the abdominal breathing in a deep wave from top to bottom and back
4) soil respiration: the flow of breath throughout the body and trachea, with the cells of the body itself "as it were breathing.

This breathing is rapid and shallow to deep and quiet. By the rhythms of the body to feel and follow is to experience how each of these phases by breathing in and works on the body. The breathing meditations go a level deeper than meditation attention, attention as they connect with the body. That way, attention, breathing through transfer to the heart and circulation, thus the function of the bowels, and finally on the functioning of the cells. All cultures have each in their own way, the principles of this study, developed and described. They were all discovered by people who they themselves are in the body to explore. Anyone can do it so of their own bodies, learning.

!Meditation and self-medication
Meditation as medication is a simple but profound principle.Anyone can do it (yourself) learn. Its impact has already been extensively proven. By doing is their own health care and save costs. Especially: to restore contact with their own body, and its own experience, and responsibility for, health. It is based on natural principles that we sleep in the healing experience. By consciously practicing, there is much to experience more effect.As your health, it is based on your own working society.Meditation as medication is not available on prescription. You can self-dose.
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“The Equation of Health” (© SIG)
O#o van Nieuwenhuijze
:Steps toward the understanding of the integrity of our body
:(The basis of health and the cure in disease)
:The following is an invitation to look at the implicit order of our body, and the way health is based on the integration of our body with its context. The Equation of health addresses the internal integrity of our body, as based on the development of the body as a whole from the first cell, the zygote.
:This course is presented as a series of invitation, for self exploration. Less important than the findings as such – and the insight they offer in understand ding our body – is the ability to come up with such findings (and generate such understanding).
:This part of the course is more fundamental than usual in any medical training. It relates the working of our body to the existence of the universe as a whole. For that reason it addresses fundamental (often abstract) aspects of the universe in creation.
:By understanding the relationship between the Universe and creation, and the creation of our body, the principle of health (and healing) can be addressed (and used) at a much more fundamental level.

!The exercise
''12 contemplations''

The following 12 proposals for contemplation are presented to be answered on one sheet of paper (2 sided).
The sought answer is what YOU can think up, research, bring together and conclude.
The exercise is not about testing your knowledge, but a training in your ability to come to understanding.
Use the world libraries to give you answers that pop up in your mind after reading these questions (some books are proposed).

#Describe how the uniVerse manifested
** (Steven Weinberg, the First Three Minutes
**  David Bohm, Wholeness and the implicate Order)
#Draw out the way matter of Earth (Minerals) could form into plants, animals and consciously conscious animals i.a. Humans
** (Lynn Margulis. Symbiotic Planet
**   Arthur M Young, The Geometry of Meaning)
# Formulate how your Zygote was the result of the fusion of the gametes of your forebears; back to the beginning of time.
# Detail the process of egg-sperm fusion, and the cell divisions that followed that formed your whole body.
# Compare the phase before conception, the process of conception, the phase between conception and nidation (implanting in the womb) and the processes after nidation (the symbiosis with the body of the mother).
# Describe the relationship between the cells, in the first 8 stages of division of the zygote. Draw each of the consecutive phases; and draw arrows to specify the relations between all cell involved.
** (Tony Buzan; Mind Maps)
# Draw a schematic diagram of the organs of the body; consider blood and the brain, the connective tissue and the skin, to also be organs. Again draw the arrows that define the relationships involved, and label each arrow with the qualities that it defines.
** (Bert Verveen, System  patho physiology)
# Draw a schematic diagram of the hormonal feed-forward and feedback cycle of the Fight-Flight-Fear-Faint axis (pituitary, hypothalamus, adrenals, body cell).
** (Hans Selye, The Stress of Life)
** (Bert Verveen, System  patho physiology)
# Draw a tree map of the divisions of the Zygote, for four or more levels of cell division, and show the time lines (stages) in different colours than the relationships between the cells, and the relationship between groups of organs.
# Describe how the characteristics of the Zygote unfold into the properties of the individual cells, the organs grups and relationships between them, and the hormonal/neuronal communications in the body regulatory system.
# Describe how the photon exchanges within and between the cells determine how atoms weave together to form molecules of different kinds, the metabolomes (metabolic cycles) that they uphold between them, and how this forms the body.
# Relate the body anatomy, physiology, neurocrine regulatory system, and the psycho-immune system to the physical, chemical, electromagnetic and information level of integral body integration.

*Explore your mind
:    As these questions are fundamental, allow your mind to seek for answers.
:    First think about the meaning and implications of the questions.
:    Make a mind map of the ideas involved; let it ferment and rely on your intuition.
:    Harvest the ideas than come up and bring them together into a coherent presentation.
*Time Line proposal
:Use 1 day per contemplation. Start in the morning by thinking about the idea, during the day find what ideas you come up by yourself. In the late afternoon see if you want to read up on what the WWW offers, and in the evening write your 1 page with findings. (If you wish to follow-up on your findings of course you are free to do so.)
*Use imagination: see the connections
:    All these questions are aimed to help activate a specific way of thinking, seeing with your mind, and understanding beyond the physical forms, to ‘see’ the body in creation.
:    The anatomy (structure) of the body is a consequence of the body (process) physiology, which is regulated by the neurocrine system (transformations), which responds to the psycho-immune (integration) experience of our context.
:    In our body, there is thus a (bio-photon) information level of body integration, which guides an electromagnetic regulatory system, which again co-ordinates the chemical process dynamics, of which the physical body is a result.
:    Our body is not an object, but a colony of cells in symbiosis; not energy of matter but the synergy of living cells is the basis of life and health. It is our subjective involvement which specifies if our body is integral part of the universe around us (health) or suffers the damage (illness, disease, death) of loss of integration in our context.
*Seek for the fundamental understanding of wholeness and health
:    The disturbance of the integrity of the body in the context is experienced as a decay from health via Adaptation and Compensation to DeCompensation. With the 12 step proposal above it can be seen how this deal is seen in the loss of communication between cells, the disruption of (metabolome) cell cycles, the disconnection in the exchanges between different metabolome networks, and thus the breaking off of the continuity of the embedding of our body in its context.

Feel well
(c) SIG
The "''[[Our Living Body Anatomy Course|]]''" was created for people active in mutual self-care.
The course helps understand that the body cells produce and position the bio-molecules/bio-materials which forms our Anatomy.
The body Anatomy is the 3D Motherboard for optimisation of  [[Cell Communication]] - '//the Stradivarius to resonate to the song of life in our body//".
Much more important than the Anatomy is the understanding why and how organ cells together form and maintain the body.

The course-notes of "Our Living Body Anatomy" can be found here:
This too is a Tiddlywiki file.
'//You can download any page and you will have the entire document//'.
"Integral Health Care" is //a new term for an old concept//.
Humans, humanity, has immense experience with //disease//.
Many modalities and methods have been found for //treating// disease.
But what humanity needs and seeks is ''Care for Health''.

Thanks to [[Bert Verveen]] we now have an excellent definition of/for "Health".
"''//Health is the continued coherence of cellular feedforward-feedback cycles//''".
That, takes place at a level in our body which we can/do not comprehend.
It is thus important to know that Body-language =/= Language-we-use.

[[System Theory]] however makes clear that our body operates in 4 Dimensions.
What Bert Verveen described for Physiology, applies to Psychology, Sociology and Ecology.
[[System Theory]] rediscovered what alchemists knew: our body operates [[Transmutation]].
__Medical practitioners would benefit from having [[System Theory]] as the first course in their education__.

Medical Education of medical practitioners is however what we do not really want.
[[mEducation]] is what we seek: learning about health care from our first day in school.
"Practitioners can then enter university with more health care expertise that MD's now leave them".
"//When everybody learns to care for their own health, then can also care for the well-being of others//".

At the core of Integral Health Care are the [[Healthy Patients]]".
These are people who study, and care for, their own health; [[together|DIY DIT]].
[[They invest in the knowledge and technologies|Heal-O'Theque]] they need to be able to do this.
And they create, support, operate and maintain their own [[Centres for Integral Healthcare]], where they can do this.

Here you can read how we can use the world health care principles which were discovered over the ages.
You can see that the cultures of the Far-west, Far-east, Est and West perfectly complement each other.
Together they offer, respectively, Prevention, Early-detection/correction, cure and palliation.
They complement each other in the same way as the Unified, Probability, Relativity and Classical Theories in science; respectively.

>"//Once you recognise the 4D pattern, you see it all fall in place//".
>This website was created to help you see, and understand, that underlying pattern.
>Then you can see how it operates in (y)our body, same as it does in universal creation.
>And you can discover and discern that all for of healing offer you methods for (self)healing.
"Integral Health Care"...
'How best to go about it'...
Save this website and you have all 'in-house', off-line.
You have access to //everything// this website contains, in your phone/computer.

1) on the right in the search bar you can look for topics
2) just below on the right, you find the topics which have been described
3) on the left fundamental shown the structure of this website (at the bottom links to further topics/websites)
4) throughout the text you find words-in-blue-lettering, which you can click for further information

"//You may want to know this//":
:The research into integral healthcare is based on the [[4D Dynamic Logic]].
:This is fundamentally very different from the either/or (yes/no) Boolean logic.
:4D dynamic logic Includes the boundary between opposites: yes, maybe, no, don't-know.
:By including the boundary between opposites it 'understands' cell/organ/body/social boundaries.

4D Dynamic logic in its way recapitulates the findings of [[Alchemy]].
The same can be said for the findings of [[Systems Theory]]/[[Cybernetics]]/[[Radio-Circuit-Element-Diagrams]].
The same can be seen in a geometric formulation of [[Tetryonics]] ("how the universe is created from the quantum level up")
this means work integrates the findings of cultures throughout all ages; now applied to our understanding of healthcare.
"''Parasitus Processing"''" = Para-situs Processes = Compensatory Dynamic = System Compensation 

Whenever the [[Feedforward-Feedback Loop]] decays and breaks down,
a [[Fall-back|Fall-back Scenario]], to the underlying dynamic, activates.
In this way Body ailings regress to Organ ails which then can regress to Cellular ailments.
In the transition phase, the hihjer level process is compensated/corrected by the lower level process(es).

At the site ("Situs")  of the [[Alienation]] the prevailing process is 'side-stepped' ("Para") to the underlying-level-process.
Usually, those (synergetic) underlying processes are not perceived because they are integrally enmeshed in the prevailing process.
However, the prevailing process can only occur, and function as it does, because it synergises/coheres the underlying processes.
This can involve many layers of processing, in many dimensions of complexity.

A typical example in case is the perception of Material Cohesion.
Matter/Physics can destabilise into Molecules/Chemistry, which can destabilise into Atoms/Electronmagnetism, which can dissolve into Quanta/electromagnetism.
Therein 3D Structure decays to 2D Processes which decay to 1D (Electron Orbit) Transformation which falls-back to 0D (Quantum Fluctuation) Information in formation).
This is [[the 4D Dynamic Logic of Manifestation|The Zipper of Manifestation]] which operates in the dynamic of [[Cell Replication]]; starting from the Zygote.

The transitions between Systems/Levels/Dimensions take place in the Zero-Point]]/Singularities/Transitions.
These are the "wave-nodes", where the waves, wave-envelopes and soliton are interconnected in one point.
Just as the Soliton is composed of Wave Trains, composed of waves; in the wave-nodes they all interconnect.
When the wave destabilises, the Soliton, Wave Envelopes and Waves can desynchronise (loose coherence), and the dynamic can regress (in/around the decoupling wave node) to that of the wave-envelope, or the wave.

"Parasitus Processing" refers to this 'Fall-back' dynamic.
In specific nodes (critical points) 'the 'disconnections' are 'resolved' by the interspersing of adjunct/adjuvant processes 'from a deeper level'.
[[TCM|Traditional Cybernetic Medicine]] is well aware of this dynamic; with its regression via [[Fall-back Scenarios]] to the underlying/original process level/dynamic.
Once "Parasitus Processing" is observed, restoration of coherence/cohesion must be achieved af/from/in/by 'the underlying level.

:<) [[Catastrophe Theory]]
:<) [[Critical Boundaries]]
:<) [[Critical Systems]]
:<) [[Crisis]]

Parasitical Processes, and the emergence of Parasites, is based on this same understanding.
In our body, there is an ongoing interaction between body cells and microbes, virus, fungi and spores (Somatites) {{Gaston Naessens}}.
These micro-organisms are our ancestors; and there are 100x as many fungi, 10x as many virus, 1x as many microbes as you have body cells,
'Parasites' can become prevalent only, if coherence at the 'higher' level was lost (usually by ignoring the foundation in/on the underlying levels.

'Poldering' is the Dutch language word for 'draining a swamp to make farm land.
The term is introduced here to 'drain emotions to recover conscious experience'.
'The swamp' therein refers to the 'undigested experiences' ([[Life Shocks]]), in memory.
'The stink of the swamp' refers to the emotional (dis)charge associated forth the 'undigested experiences'.

# [[Notice when Emotions replace Feelings|Feelings vs Emotions]] ('compulsion' replaces 'choice')
# Use breathing techniques ("windmills") to drain the swamp
# 'Breathe the emotions away to a barren desert' (breath through your emotions - usually 2 minutes)
# 'clear the terrain and reclaim the land' - realise you always have a choice to undo a 'wrong' decision in/of the past.
![[Disease|Understanding Disease]] prevention is all about [[Health|Understanding Health]] maintenance!
Health can be very well defined.
It is the integral functioning of the part in the whole.
This requires information integrity.
This requires integrity of the information of the whole in the part (in formation).

[[Understanding Health]]
[[Understanding Disease]]
Health is the experience of the functioning of the uniVerse in our own body.
By learning how to give care to one's own body, everybody can learn to prevent diseases.
[[Centres for Integral Health Care]] offer the experience of Health.
instead of becoming clients, people become members. Instead of coming for treatment, they come to learn to treat. When coming for treatment for themselves, they learn to treat others. Instead of a focus on disease, their experience is aimed at health.
* [[Alienation Diseases]]
* [[Aura healing]]
* [[Centres for Integral Health Care]]
* [[Chakra healing]]
* [[Contagious Health]]
* [[DIY DIT]]
* [[Healers Healing Healthy Healers]]
* [[Heal'otheque]]
* [[Healthy Hospitals]]
* [[Healthy Patients]]
* [[Integral Health Care]]
* [[mEducation]]
* [[Meridian healing]]
* [[Preventive Health Care]]
* [[PsychoLogics]]
* [[Rhythm Diseases]]
* [[Self Assured]]
* [[Self Health Care]]
* [[Self Health Care]]
* [[Spirit healing]]
* [[Synergy Healing]]
* [[Therapy Tutor Trainings]]
Type the text for 'New Tiddler'
MD's are very well aware that their education is incomplete.
They also know that they will not graduate if they say this out loud.
A few MD's described 'how awful' they experienced their training to be.
But that has not led to improvement of the medical professional training.

As is, Med-school is not only over expensive, but under-performing.
It is easy to make medical education very cheep indeed, by combining it with practical training.
The university of Kitchener-Waterloo already created a curriculum that allows for this.
In that approach, students alternate academic training semesters and practical training semesters.

MD's also need to learn different things; and acquire a different understanding.
They need to learn that a living body canNOT be regarded by 'the Laws of [[The Science of Dead Matter]]'.
Instead, they need to understand that [[Freedom of Choice]] is the (quint)essence of [[Life]].
Also, they need to learn [[System Theory]] - which offers a more integrative understanding than 'material science'.

After learning System Theory (in 'their first week'), they best also learn about [[Tetryonics]].
[[Tetryonics]] integrates all findings of Material Science; and shows its proper foundation.
Science found that everything originates from Quantum Change; Tetryonics show how.
It then is easy to see how Tetryonics is the principle our body uses in doing what it is/does.

MD's are trained/conditioned to think and operate in a specific/specified manner.
As in the Guild System of the past, apprentices are required to follow example.
As a result, the medical profession advances too slowly.
Profit motive also 'seeks to eliminate the competition'.

Every form of healing is limited.
That is because they all have a limited perspective/objective.
This can only be seen by changing one's of perspective/objective.
Then, it becomes clear that ''all forms of healing complement/complete each other''.

!Remedial Teaching for MD's
!!Curriculum Proposal

| [[System Theory]]|'The Swiss Pocket Knife' for the mind/science. Showing how all sciences are interconnected. |
| [[System (Patho) Physiology+]]|'First, Understand Health' |
| [[Tetryonics]]|'Science, rediscovered - from the quantum, bottom-up'. |
| [[deDogmatisation]]|'Know how to eliminate (your) Dogmatic Beliefs'. |
| [[Critical Thinking]]|'Not everything you are told is true; learn to identify hidden/profit motives' |
| [[Hypnosis]]|'Know your own Mind; including its hidden aspects'. |
| [[Shiatsu]]|'Feel your own body; including where/what you do not feel'. |
| [[Chakra Rooting|]]|'Experience the ease for resolving disease'. |
| [[Feel Well]]|'Diagnosis and Treatment in one'. |
| [[Meditation as Medication]]|'Realise the principle of self-Healing'. |
| [[Self-Healing]]|'Realise the Foundation of Healing'. |
| [[The Sleep Cycle]]|'Understand the 4 Layers of Consciousness'. |
| [[The PsychoSomatic Engine]]|'Molecules are carriers of Information'. |
| [[The Cascade of Disease]]|'The Logic of loss-of-Health'|
| [[Fall-back Diseases]]|'The Natural Regression to Previous System States' |
| [[Rhythm Diseases]]|[['Understanding the implications of the Vrobel Time Fractal'. |
| [[The Principle of Creation]]|'Only the Quantum Field can Form and Move all Forms of Matter'. |
| [[Homeopathy]]|'Informing Cells of Body Memory States'. |
| [[TCM]]|'Traditional Cybernetic Medicine'. |
| [[Spirit Healing]]|'Learn and Teach how to remove Unresolved Memories'. |
| [[Learn by Experience]]|'Experience one, See one, Do one, Teach one'. |
| [[Experience every Treatment]]|'Know what you do (experience yourself what you do to others)'. |
| [[Tutor Therapy Training]]|'Teach Patients how to self-heal the top 10 ailments in your practice'. |
| [[Relegate]]|'Delegate all you can to Traditional (self) Healing experts'. |
| [[Make yourself Redundant]]|'Teach all you know/can'. |
"Do kidney/gall stones obstruct flow? Or does flow obstruction cause kidney/gall stone formation - cane as in river sedimentation?".
This question calls forth the need to study Rhythm Diseases; any failures in Cell Synchronisation, and any flaws in circulation coordination, throughout the body. Starting with the Zygote, the cell Cycle is turned inside-out in every Cell Replication, resulting in [[Feedforward-feedback Loops]] which maintain the unity of the newly formed units. Those internal body circuits, which are both material and immaterial (electromagnetic) are interrelated with the cycles of Nature, and the Seasons, thus the Planets. As Astrology pointed out, and the study of Circadian Rhythms confirms. What diseases emerge, when that system of interlinked/interlocked cycles breaks up, and breaks down?

4D Dynamic Logic, Turning Points, Cell Replication, Cell Cycles, System Networks, Synchronisation, Synergy, Phase Change, Phase Reversal, TCM, Rhythm Diseases.

"Rhythm Diseases" are all those diseases which originate from 'break down' of the complex intertwines cell cycles, forming organ cycles, with rhythms driving body circuits circulation, interlinked with the cycles of nature. It is well known that the menstrual cycle is a lunar cycle, thus a planetary rhythm, based on the principles of cosmic creation, which are founded on the principles illustrated by Tetryonics. These show that cosmic creation is based on (Tetryonic) quantum fluctuation, built-up from single 'quantum-flips', to linear coherence ("photons"), circular flow ("w-bosons") forming structurally coherent Tetryons; the primordial unit form of Matter(Tetryons").

Everything in the universe is based on the Quantum Field Fluctuation; "only the quantum Field can form and move Matter". Because, although the (tetrahedral) Tetryons are structurally inert, they have surface charges (4x+, 4x-, 2x+ +2x- and 2x- + 2x+; 50% of primordial matter in the universe is zero-sum-charge). By their surface charges, Tetryons can connect surface-to-surface ("Strong Bond"), rib-to-rib ("Weak Bond"), and tip-to-tip ("Derived Bond"), while always subject to the pressure of universal quantum fluctuation ("Gravitation"). [[Tetryonics|]] shows how thereby all of the uniVerse is being created.

Every description of science must apply to the scientist also; our body is created by, and operates by, the same principle of universal creation (as modeled by Tetryonics.) Our body cells can (trans)form bio-molecules, and produce/position bio-materials, because they are able to operate linear quantum flux to s(p)lice molecular fragments and atoms; and circular quantum flux to reposition them. There are no other Atomic Nuclear Forces, than those of ElectroNmagnetism: the repositioning of electrons within and between atoms, thereby forming Molecules and Matter as described by [[The Zipper of Manifestation]]: photon-leap <=> electron-leap <=> electron-oscillation <=> electron-bonding.

As the alchemists described, Matter ("Earth") is composed of Molecules ("Water"), composed of Atoms ("Air") composed of Quanta ("Fire"). And indeed, in Matter the "bound-electrons" ("Earth") are tied in closed circuit loops; in Molecules "electron-flow" ("Water") oscillates,; in Atoms "electron-leaps" ("Air") defines the "electron-cloud"; and in the sub-atomic, sub-tetryonic space ("Fire") no matter exists. The quantum space is immaterial; purely electromagnetic, and defined only by phase change. Phase change in quantum space redefines the phase angle of electrons in Atoms, thereby redefining the wave phase on the Molecular electron flow, which determines the material phase state.

The Tetryonic Quantum Domain, is a pure wave space; in which no matter exists, but from which all forms of Matter are formed. As the primordial unit of Matter, the Tetryon, is structurally inert, only quantum field fluctuations can move matter. What is usually called "Thermodynamics", is but the Quantum Field as it flows in/out of Matter ("Exergy") and circulates within Matter ("Energy"), thereby moving electrons, thus atoms, thus molecules, thus matter. The Quantum Domain, a.k.a. "Phase Space", 'fills the uniVerse', and is pure Information in Formation - which is what the stories of Creation tried to explain, lacking suitable words.

Tetryonics shows that, and how, quantum fluctuation moves protons/neutrons/electrons, thus Atoms, thus Molecules, thus Matter - thus Cells. 'Pulsing with the rhythms and flows of quantum fluctuation/flux'. Every electron in every atom in (y)our body, is (re)positioned by the aggregated/orchestrated quantum fluctuation/flux/field. Every Cell (trans)forms biomolecules and produces/positions bio-materials as-a-result; body-wide. All these cell activities are coordinated/orchestrated, body-wide, with such coherence that every human retains an identifyable unique shape throughout their life - which might span a century or more.

The best way to describe the integral phase coherence 'to explain this' is in terms of a Bio-Hologram: a coherent phase field associated with the body. Peter Garyaiev showed that DNA is a hologram projector, Michael Talbot showed out body has hologram characteristics, Karl Pribram showed our brain operates by holographic principles, and Bruce Lipton showed that the DNA has been created, over the ages, by the cells incorporating life experience and storing it in the DNA crystal. DNA does not form life; DNA is formed by life. DNA is a 'frozen wave form/field'.

Using DNA, the Zygote unfolds via a Vrobel Time Fractal: therein every Cell Division is a Cell Decision. The Zygote (point) forms a Fractal (Line) which forms internal Loops (Plane) which form the Bio-hologram (Volume). IN the past this was described as the Seed (in the Garden of Eden), and a Tree (of Life, a Decision Tree), with a Snake (Circulation) and an Apple (Brain/Hologram). This is an unfolding in 4 Dimensions: from 0D Point to 1D Line to 2D Plane to 3D Volume. Note that the Zygote itself was formed from a Fractal (of ancestral sex fusion), formed from groups (social circles), in humanity (the hologram/organism). '//Every Human is a Cell in the Body of Humanity; just as every body cell is a pixel in a Bio-Hologram//'.

Coherence, phase coherence, and change in phase coherence, thus phase change, are all interrelated. Prior to the Copenhagen Convention, physicists realised that electromagnetic fields are immaterial, and that our consciousness is integral part of the universal consciousness (Quantum Field). The Copenhagen Convention was an enormous setback for humanity, by (falsely) proclaiming that the uniVerse is material; and that humans are outside-observers - bot are incorrect. Our consciousness is integrally interconnected with universal (quantum Field) consciousness; and particles are the result of Tetryon Aggregation - as shown by Tetryonics. Thus, all body processes are coordinated/orchestrated by the quantum=consciousness field; around us and within us.

As the quantum=consciousness=information=phase field is immaterial, being only purely electromagnetic, it is a wave field; a.k.a. quantum fluctuation. All body processes are based on that field dynamic. All cell cycles are interlinked with that field dynamic. All organ processes are driven by that field dynamic. All bodily experiences/interactions are based on that field dynamic.
In our body we see that and how all bio-molecules and bio-materials respond to changes in phase-infomation. Bio-molecules, produced by living cells, are physical (Material/Protein), Chemical (Molecules/Enzymes), ElectroNmagnetic (Atomic/Hormones) and Phasical (Radio Fields: Photonic/Pigments). Bio-materials are piezo-electric, liquid-crystal, transistor and intelligent-gel. The information field, within/around us, 'computes' as the Material State, Molecular Process, Atomic Transformation and Quantum Phase Information Integration.

Our Health is based on the integrity of our integration with/in the uniVerse; if the internal phase state changes correspond with those of our surroundings, in the uniVerse as a whole, then our body/being can continue to exist; if not, it will churn into internal conflict, blockages and disconnectedness. The physical body state cannot be maintained if the chemical/metabolic/mental process 'does not compute' due to system regulation (soul, life decisions) being incompatible with the way the uniVerse operates. Absent external influences, Physical Anatomical diseases originate from warped Physiological/Psychological Processes, which result from incorrect System Regulation/Transformation; due to failing Information Integration.
:<) [[Body, Mind, Soul, Spirit]]
:<) [[The Cascade of Disease]]
:<) [[Fall-back Scenarios]]
:<) [[System (Patho) Physiology]]

By the foregoing we know that all processes, transformation, states and changes in our body are based on 'wave patterns'; quantum fluctuation.
In our body we see/experience how atomic-molecular-material phase changes result in neurocrine/physiological/anatomical phase state changes.
Our body is a manifestation/materialisation of the universal principle of creation - which is presently best shown by [[Tetryonics]].
By looking into our body, how it originated and forms, we can see that vibration/pulsation is at its origin; not a consequence but a 'cause'.

#Body Formation
#Cell Replication
#Rhythm Disease

MD"s are misled in their education, by first learning about 'Anatomy', instead of Embryology.
Also, they are expected to 'believe in science', instead of learning to understand System Theory.
Lacking knowledge of Tetryonics, they do not see that the immaterial always forms the material.
As a result, they are unable to recognise this, although our body shows it at all levels.

Our body is NOT physical.
Our cells create a physical body ('their motherboard to optimise Cell Communication').
They need that physicality to maintain and support their collaborative function.
Because the body is a colony of cells, which unfolded from on single cell, the Zygote.

First, in our existence is that first cell. The Zygote.
It originated from sex cell fusion of billions of ancestors.
Every earlier generation, the number of ancestors involved in your body-creation doubles.
Ultimately more ancestors were involved than there are humans in humanity: all of humanity created your body.

Humans however 'descended from apes' (at least, __Darwin__ believes that he did).
__Lynn Margulis__ showed that all 'advanced life' originated from the Eukaryote Cell; which formed from the fusion of 4 forms of Microbes ("Anaerobic" ("Earth"), "Hydrobic" (Water"), "Aerobic" ("Air") and Fotosynthesising ("Fire"))
__Gaston Naessens__ showed that (under the dark field microscope) Somatites/spores <=> fungi <=> virus <=> microbes; __Luc Montagnier__ showed that T-Cells <=> microbes.
Fundamental research showed that Amino Acids, the primordial 'molecules of life', can be formed by a lightning electric charge-discharge in the atmosphere of primordial Earth.

Charge Discharge is at the foundation of Universal Creation

Erich Blechschmidt: the blood circulation pulses already before he embryological heart is formed.

From Quantum-Fluctuation to Electron-leaps in Atoms and Electron-oscillations in molecules all vibrations in matter are interconnected.
Material vibration is the response of electrons (thence Matter) to EM Field fluctuation.
Thermodynamics is not a cause, but consequence, of quantum field fluctuation.
All body organ cell molecule vibrations are in response to changes in the EM field.

As described in [[The PsychoSomatic Engine]], all molecules have an associated antenna field.
ElectroNmagnetism, is the change of position of electrons due to EM field changes.
The overlap of antenna fields ("amplification/suppression) is a contributing factor.
The pulsations of the Electromagnetic field define/determine all electron position changes.

Many people have described described the electromagnetic nature of our body (Smith, Becker, ...).
Björne Nordenström discerned "infonar" (information) and "ergonar" (power) electric flows in our body.
Same as in a computer: there is a flow of electricity, and a flow of radio information.
Our whole body, all organs, and all cells 'digest food And information/experience'.

Chinese medicine refers to 'hollow organs'.
These are the conduits that regulate flow.
Rhythm is essential in that dynamic.
Rhythm regulation, all the more do

"Flow control" is the modern parlance.

As in a dance, or orchestra: if one cell loses rhythm, it disturbs other c3lls.
The other cell may be more noticeable than the disturbed first cell.
TCM is well aware of that; as described in the 5 element cycle.
They also know, that all cells together form a 'chord'.

In 'the west', Rhythm diseases are ignored or even denied.
Yet they occur as much as elsewhere.
'The west' also ignores/denies that rhythm regulation operates at a 'higher scale'.
Mathematicians call is the "iso-phase vector field" for system-wide harmonic coherence.

Einstein regarded the waves, as determinants for phase coherence.
Max Planck regarded the zero point transition, as moment of phase calibration.
Bill Tiller realised that zero-point fluctuation  an affect/afflict the 3ntire field.
Tetryonics shows that wave phase field calibration requires inclusion of all wave envelopes/harmonics.

That is what we see in our body.
The pulsations of the first cell, the zygote, are unfolded to span the entire body.
The phase fluctuation coherence is so strong that people can live a century, or more.
It is so strong even that people sometimes die decades after coherence first was lost.

That is why doctors learned 'to keep the finger on the pulse'.
And why oriental doctors learn to discern 27+ rhythm fluctuations.
This is not comprehensible by using linear left brain analysis.
This requires right brain analogous wave/musical appreciation.

The organs are
!The Foundation for Integral Health Care

This web site is offered by SIG, a non-profit foundation: your DONATIONS support this work

Foundation SIG provides advice and courses on the way to achieve this.
SIG helps organisation to apply Integral Health Care as basis of their practice.

*SIG offers [[Health by Design]]: blueprints for centres for Integral Health Care.
**Do you wish to set up a Centre for Integral Health Care?
***Contact SIG.
*SIG promotes [[Contagious Health]] (c)
**Do you wish to work with Health instead of disease?
***Contact SIG.
*SIG fosters [[mEducation]]
**Do you want to learn about Health and Care in schools?
***Contact SIG.
*SIG advocates [[Integral Health Care]]
**Do you wish to make most use of the world’s resources for healing?
***Contact SIG.
Organisations that operate by the SIG criteria can apply for the use of the SIG logo.
:Health is a reflection of a life style, in balance with Earth.
:"Health is the continued coherence of cell communication."
After the burning of the first scientists by the church of Rome, science became a 'separate' social process.
Scientists were initially, usually, 'men of means and leisure'; with a profound curiosity and communication skills.
Scientists were allowed (by 'the church') to describe what they observed - which led to a description of matter.
Thereby insight in matter deepened from the properties of Materials to molecules to Atoms to Quanta.

Over the past two+ centuries 'science' developed from Classical to Relativistic to Probabilistic to Unified.
The Classical formulation however was focused, with bias, on what was 'verifiable, repeatable and thereby predictable'.
This was formulates as the tenet that "__Action = - Reaction__", which is equivalent to "__Action + Reaction = 0__".
This describes __Invariance__, thus a __Closed System__ ("Hell"), which is an Inert System: //it can not change from within//.

This, by definition, only/merely describes 'the world of dead matter', traditionally represented by Rock or Earth.
The complement thereof was the world of Spirit (names after Spiritus = Wind) describing 'movement without matter'.
The Greek ("Pneuma"), and Indian {"Prana") cultures likewise referred to 'wind' as an invisible 'force' that moves.
The words Ether, and god, likewise to what is now called the unified/quantum/(super)string vibrational Field.

The initial description of the world that was thus seen pertained to the deterministic motion of matter; called "Physics".
The next level of description pertained to relative molecular reactivity, and its electron dynamic, called "Chemistry".
Then came the description of probabilistic interactivity of atomic protons+electrons+neutrons, called "Electromagnetism".
Finally this resulted in realising the role of quantum change, or Phase Change, as the most basic dynamic: "Quantum Field Dynamic".

Thanks to "Tetryonics' it is now possible to integrate ("Unify") tbe initial traditional moels of science.
It is thereby possible to see that, indeed, the forces that for  and move matter are invisible to us "Spirit").
We can even understand that this ("Spiritual") domain actually does NOT exist as the 3D reality 'we know'.
Instead, the (Tetryonic) electromagnetic quantum force field is 2-dimensional - thus 'outside of 'our' reality'.

This fundamentally changes the way in which e look at, and describe, the 'properties of nature'.
In traditional science the movement of matter is described by differential equations - with boundary conditions.
In that approach, any change in 'the system' must correspond with a 'change in the boundary conditions'.
This approach must be refined to address the Boundary Conditions at all (4D) levels; as Singularity transitions.

The Science of Life is based on this understanding: that all changes MUST be described in 4 Dimensions.
Combined with the model of Tetryonics, this applies to all stages of manifestation/materialisation of Matter.
It is however not enough to understand Tetryonic quantum (Field) changes in 4 Dimensions.
It is necessary to also understand how living beings can, by intent, reverse the polarity of a Quantum.

"Freedom of Choice" is the term used to describe the intentional change of a quantum state by a living organism.
This is initiated at the Quantum level; and acts at the Cellular Level via the dynamic principle if (4D) Cell Replication.
That is than 'turned inside out' and can thereby operate in/as the principle of Cell Communication (=psychophysiology).
In this manner cells can selectively define the polarity state of cell membranes, and the phase state of body materials.
Type the text for 'New Tiddler'
!Self Assured - a project for assured self care
*a co-operative corporation by association of self care practitioners
*Listen to a general description of principles and concepts, practice and performance
*Decide for yourself if this is what you wish to create for yourself, and/with others.
*Sign up to join in.

The health care profession, in the West, lives off disease.
Health care insurance companies wish to turn this into profit.
They do this by not paying out all the money people paid in.
This means that many people do not get the care they paid for.

The solution: not paying for what you do not want.
''1) help people care for their own health (and that of others)''.
''2) make use of disease-preventing forms of health care''.
''3) get rid of those who live off disease and do not care for/about health''.

Practically this means: get rid of the so-called ‘health care insurance’.
They are merely a money collection agency for drug-doctors.
They regard themselves as self-appointed (your!) budget protectors.
While in fact they serve no purpose; and merely cost money.

Health insurance is NOT about having someone else pay for your treatment.
Being assured of health means that you know how to care for your body.
Your body, like everything else, needs care and comfort, upkeep and protection.
Thus it is most important: that you know (how) to do this.
Health is the experience within your body, of the integrity of the way the uniVerse functions.
The experience of connectedness with our context, and the awareness of the way we experience that connection are essence in the (learning the) experience of that integrity and integration.
It is the realisation of a life style, in which the person is aware of being part of a whole, and able to express their personal uniqueness in being.
[[DIY DIT]] | [[SIG]] | Donations: NL 52 INGB 0007 234 993
Integral Health Care Info
These sites are already available.
More will yet be provided.
| [[Handbook IHC|]]|Integral Health Care in 4 parts |
| [[Freedom of Choice|]]|The essence of Life |
| [[Our Living Body|]]|Created by Living Cells |
| [[The Chakra System|]]|The Vortex is the key to uniVersal connectedness |
| [[Sex & Consciousness|]]|Sex is a solution, not a problem |
| [[Treating Cancer|]]|Restoring Cell Communication |
| [[Treating Criminality|]]|Removing internal conflicts |
| [['CoViD®'|]]|So many criminal lies... |
| [[Science of Life|]]|Beyond the Science of Dead Matter |
| [[Planting Paradise|http:/]]|Living as Creator in Creation |
| [[The Oath of Aknaton|]]|To be sworn by representatives |
| [[Oath of Pythagoras|]]|To be sworn by scientists |
'''Sub-personalities''' ("Subps") are non-conscious defensive reflexes created to deal with [[Unresolved Issues]]/[[Undigested Experiences]]/[[Traumatic Memories]].
Subps are created out of [[Golem]] (the equivalent of blood serum = wound fluid for the body); an unformed undefined psychic 'endoplasm' for the mind.
The [[Golem]] substance ('psychic liquid/vapour') serves to buffer traumatic memories, in the same manner as wound fluid buffers 'splinters under the skin'.
It thereby shields the body against the 'alien intrusion', forming a buffer until the body cq mind is able to deal with, and resolve the unresolved issue.

Subpersonalities act //instead// of the [[Person]].
As they are operating by Reflex, they are not conscious.
They simply replay the emergency solution, which was created while the 'person was off-line'(alienated, disconnected from soul (=Freedom of Choice).
The Subpersonality is not conscious, and thereby/therefor also Irresponsible (unable to respond; robotic; insensitive; unaware of consequences).

Subpersonalities are very primitive forms of consciousness; comparable to stem-cells in the formation of the body.
They are a primordial form of consciousness, and able to adopt/adapt to their setting/situation.
However, if the Setting/situation is that of Unresolved Trauma]], [[Undigested Experience]], it does/can not develop further due to its limited focus.
This was understood and described in the past by the terminology of [[Hell, Purgatory, Devil, Armageddon]].

#Hell, Closed System, refers to the locked-away [[Traumatic Memory]].
#Purgatory refers to the [[Emotional Charge Field]] behind which the Traumatic Memory is shielded
#Devil refers to the Trauma Reactivation, triggered by the original conditions in which it was created
#Armageddon refers to the cross-triggering, when defensive Reflexes (Sub-personalities) in one person trigger those in another
When two (or more) healers of different kind work together, their effect can be amplified intensely.
It may even be possible to, within one session, have the effect of many sessions.
This is the result of the combination of perspectives, where the changes in the being of the healee are balanced out by the interactions by the other healer.
For the healee it also means that their being has greater clarity what is the inner healthy response, and is thereby able to recognise/regain/restore health more quickly.

You may have seen the message, before, that 'this site is being worked on'.
Thanks to Jeremy Rushton, creator of [[TiddlyWiki|]], you now have this webside.
'//Download one page and you have all of them on your device//'.
You can watch everything offline, indexed and searchable - and can everything at your leisure pleasure.
Health is based on the continued coherence of Cell Communication ([[Bert Verveen]]).
This is based on the inversion rotation of the Zygote in Cell Replication, resulting in a feedforward-feedback loop which maintains the unity-of-units.
When the feedforward-feedback loops laps to mismatch, Health => Adaptation => Compensation => Decompensation.
All the feedforward-feedback loops in the body are united in a Vrobel Time Fractal; it is the integrative element which also links every cell to phase space; it is what is often known as the "Soul".

| [0D] | [1D] | [2D] | [3D] |h
| Zygote | Cell Replication | Feedforward-feedback loops | Coupled Networks |
| Cellular | Vegetative | Animal | Sapiens |
| Point | Line  | Plane | Volume |
| Information | Energy | Time | Space |
| Photon-leap | Electron-leap | Electron-oscillation | Electron-bonding |
| Quanta | Atoms | Molecules | Matter |
| Phasics | Electronmagnetism | Chemistry | Physics |

The Soul is our 'antenna by which we can selectively attune our Freedom of Choice.
We can do that at all levels of Body, Mind, Soul, Spirit]].
We do that (by definition) in/at 4 levels of consciousness: Conscious, Subconscious, Unconscious, and Out-of-conscious.

All cell interactions pivot in phase space.
All cell interactions integrate via the Soul Time Fractal.
This can be regartded as the crossing point of a Möbius loop, linking the Cooper Pair Cell Pair formed by Cell Replication.
These Zero-point tranbsition points are the singularities which together define the SYstem Boundary, at all 4D levels.

The Eqiuation of Health is based on this understanding.
WHen the Time Fractal is damages at the end ('leaves') this usualle self-repairs.
When the branches or trunk 'breaks' repositioning/reconstruction is needed.
When the Tree-of-life fractal is uprooted... what can you do? 


“The Equation of Health” (© SIG)
O#o van Nieuwenhuijze
Steps toward the understanding of the integrity of our body
(The basis of health and the cure in disease)


The following is an invitation to look at the implicit order of our body, and the way health is based on the integration of our body with its context. The Equation of health addresses the internal integrity of our body, as based on the development of the body as a whole from the first cell, the zygote.


This course is presented as a series of invitation, for self exploration. Less important than the findings as such – and the insight they offer in understand ding our body – is the ability to come up with such findings (and generate such understanding).


This part of the course is more fundamental than usual in any medical training. It relates the working of our body to the existence of the universe as a whole. For that reason it addresses fundamental (often abstract) aspects of the universe in creation.


By understanding the relationship between the Universe and creation, and the creation of our body, the principle of health (and healing) can be addressed (and used) at a much more fundamental level.

The exercise
12 contemplations

The following 12 proposals for contemplation are presented to be answered on one sheet of paper (2 sided).
The sought answer is what YOU can think up, research, bring together and conclude.
The exercise is not about testing your knowledge, but a training in your ability to come to understanding.
Use the world libraries to give you answers that pop up in your mind after reading these questions (some books are proposed).

Describe how the uniVerse manifested
(Steven Weinberg, the First Three Minutes
 David Bohm, Wholeness and the implicate Order)
Draw out the way matter of Earth (Minerals) could form into plants, animals and consciously conscious animals i.a. Humans
(Lynn Margulis. Symbiotic Planet
 Arthur M Young, The Geometry of Meaning)
Formulate how your Zygote was the result of the fusion of the gametes of your forebears; back to the beginning of time.
Detail the process of egg-sperm fusion, and the cell divisions that followed that formed your whole body.
Compare the phase before conception, the process of conception, the phase between conception and nidation (implanting in the womb) and the processes after nidation (the symbiosis with the body of the mother).
Describe the relationship between the cells, in the first 8 stages of division of the zygote. Draw each of the consecutive phases; and draw arrows to specify the relations between all cell involved.
(Tony Buzan; Mind Maps)
7) Draw a schematic diagram of the organs of the body; consider blood and the brain, the connective tissue and the skin, to also be organs. Again draw the arrows that define the relationships involved, and label each arrow with the qualities that it defines.
(Bert Verveen, System  patho physiology)
Draw a schematic diagram of the hormonal feed-forward and feedback cycle of the Fight-Flight-Fear-Faint axis (pituitary, hypothalamus, adrenals, body cell).
(Hans Selye, The Stress of Life)
(Bert Verveen, System  patho physiology)
Draw a tree map of the divisions of the Zygote, for four or more levels of cell division, and show the time lines (stages) in different colours than the relationships between the cells, and the relationship between groups of organs.
Describe how the characteristics of the Zygote unfold into the properties of the individual cells, the organs grups and relationships between them, and the hormonal/neuronal communications in the body regulatory system.
Describe how the photon exchanges within and between the cells determine how atoms weave together to form molecules of different kinds, the metabolomes (metabolic cycles) that they uphold between them, and how this forms the body.
Relate the body anatomy, physiology, neurocrien regulatory system, and the prycho-immune system to the physical, chemical, electromagnetic and information level of integral body integration.
Explore your mind

As these questions are fundamental, allow your mind to seek for answers.
First think about the meaning and implications of the questions.
Make a mind map of the ideas involved; let it ferment and rely on your intuition.
Harvest the ideas than come up and bring them together into a coherent presentation.
Time Line proposal

Use 1 day per contemplation. Start in the morning by thinking about the idea, during the day find what ideas you come up by yourself. In the late afternoon see if you want to read up on what the WWW offers, and in the evening write your 1 page with findings. (If you wish to follow-up on your findings of course you are free to do so.)

Use imagination: see the connections

All these questions are aimed to help activate a specific way of thinking, seeing with your mind, and understanding beyond the physical forms, to ‘see’ the body in creation.

The anatomy (structure) of the body is a consequence of the body (process) physiology, which is regulated by the neurocrien system (transformations), which responds to the psycho-immune (integration) experience of our context.

In our body, there is thus a (bio-photon) information level of body integration, which guides an electromagnetic regulatory system, which again co-ordinates the chemical process dynamics, of which the physical body is a result.

Our body is not an object, but a colony of cells in symbiosis; not energy of matter but the synergy of living cells is the basis of life and health. It is our subjective involvement which specifies if our body is integral part of the universe around us (health) or suffers the damage (illness, disease, death) of loss of integration in our context.

Seek for the fundamental understanding of wholeness and health

The disturbance of the integrity of the body in the context is experienced as a decay from health via Adaptation and Compensation to DeCompensation. With the 12 step proposal above it can be seen how this deal is seen in the loss of communication between cells, the disruption of (metabolome) cell cycles, the disconnection in the exchanges between different metabolome networks, and thus the breaking off of the continuity of the embedding of our body in its context.
''Therapy Tutor Trainings'' is a ''Blueprint'' explaining how to enhance the quality of your professional practice, by teaching your clients what you know.
It helps them have deeper appreciation for what you do, relieves you of the most common treatments, helps you to offer a more elevated professional quality, and solicits wider support for your experience, expertise and practice.

Therapy Tutors also operate in a general sense: one per (two) weeks they organise an evening in which their clients come to learn aspects of various diseases. Principles of self health care, life style, healthy interaction with others and understanding of (self) healing are explained and trained, making it possible for the people themselves to treat and prevent diseases; and live in health.

*SIG promotes the principle of autonomy.

The less dependent clients are on therapists, the greater is the respect of what they can offer.
More important than a therapist who helps resolve problems, is the therapist who helps prevent them.

*For this reason SIG asks the Therapists who wish to operate under the auspices of the concept of [[Integral health Care]], to serve as ''Therapy Tutors''.

This means that 1 evening per week (or one evening per two weeks) they open their therapy practice for their clients to come learns some aspect of therapy and treatment.
The aim is to familiarise their clients with the most common ailments and their causes.
This helps the clients to take care of these by themselves.
It also makes it possible for the therapists to be of more help in which their help is more demanding.

*The concept of ''Therapy Tutors'' also helps set up the therapy practice on a more financially sound basis: the clients invest in their health. And thereby prevent disease.

The concept of ''Therapy Tutor'' can be expanded to a subscription: the clients invest in a base rate, for which they know that they cover the overheads and expenses of the therapeutical practice. They can regard themselves as investors in their own well-being and health. Or they can consider themselves shareholders in the quality of ‘their’ therapeutic practice. the consequence is that they can pay less and get more. Rather than paying for treatment of diseases, they learn to take care of their own health.
'''Traumatic Memory''' = Memory of a Traumatic/Painful/Hurtful/[[Undigested Experience]]
Every Memory (and every Reflex) has 4 associated dimension (see below).
When the integration of the experience with/in/within the environment is incomplete, this creates an [[Incomplete Memory]].
Such memories need completion for (re)integration; otherwise they can lead to Disintegration.

| Event | Sensation | Interpretation | Memorisation |
| Experience | Circumstances | Conditions | E
Diseases are [[healthy|Understanding Health]] processes that are "stagnated", "blocked", or even 'regressed".
Bert Verveen ("System (patho) physiology”) perfectly described this.
This means that it is unhealthy to 'fight' //disease// (= stagnated health).
Because that interferes with an interrupted //healthy// body processes.

What is needed is the recognition and identification of the disrupted //healthy// process.
That cannot be done at the process level; it must be done at the level of processes regulation.
The material object does not matter; __what matters is the communication of information__.
This is the information communication of living cells in organs of the whole body.

Study the work of Charles Rowlatt. Bert Verveen, Karl Pribram, and many others.
''Disease never occurs at the level of individual body cells''; study Hans Reckeweg, James Oschmann, Bruce Lipton and others to understand this.
''Disease always involves //disruption// of the interaction between living cells''.
Disruption generally arises from //errors in our perception// of our environment.

Diseases are caused ONLY by problems with system boundary regulation.
Please refer to the work of Bert Verveen, Charles Rowlatt, Gerd Hanappi and others.
A disease involves a sign-reversal due to __transition across a system boundary__.
This makes it possible to ''define illness of a system in mathematical terms''.

//By understanding disease in this manner, we can very well understand __prevention__//.
''Sickness'' is disruption of the healthy situation.
''Health'' itself is very well defined (See “The Equation of Health”).
//''Disease prevention'' is the preservation of health by monitoring/maintaining the integrity of the system boundary of/as/in the system in its context//.

''Health can be explicitly defined''.
It is NOT the ‘absence of disease'.
__Disease is a form of stagnated //health//__.
__It makes no sense to combat //disease//__.

Healing is about restoring //health//.
The definition of health is simple, but complex.
''Simple'', because it is the wholeness of our body system
''Complex'', because it is about the interplay of all our cells.

“All our cells”: we must take that literally.
These are //all// cells, //every// cell in your body.
It is also about us as //humans// (and) in //humanity//.
But it involves our existence as a form of //all forms of life// on Earth.

It seems complex but the principle is simple.
Your life arises from your first cell, the zygote.
Through cell fusion (sex) the first cell was formed.
Through cell division (growth) your body was formed.

__Our existence as humans is part of all forms of life__.
__Darwin__ showed how all animal life forms are interrelated.
__Linnaeus__ had already shown that all plants are interrelated.
__Lynn Margulis__ explained how all life forms formed from microbes.

It all comes together into one integral principle.
Compare the universe as a whole to a hologram.
Partly it is field of pure and indistinct information (phase).
Partly it is a combination of coherent waves (Matter).

In a ''hologram'' every part relates to the whole.
We see that in our body cells sharing all their information through DNA.
But we recognise also in sound-, colour-, aroma- and information-medicine.
__Information medicine is therefore the first choice for all healing__.

#''Information Therapy'' restores the full information integrity in our body.
#''Regulation Therapy'' aims to restore the system boundary within its context.
#''Physiological Therapy'' reconnects the body processes with those of the context.
#''Anatomical treatment'' can repair the body structure when needed.
The ''Anatomical structure'' is a result, consequence of, physiological processes.
The ''Physiological process'' integrity is maintained by system regulation.
The ''Regulatory system'' is a consequence, effect of, information organisation in our body.
''Information Integrity'', and ''in(-)formation integration'' are the basis of the structure of the universe, and of our body.

"The Equation of Health” describes the (Vrobel) fractal (time) ''coherence'' of our body as a whole.
Bert Verveen and Charles Rowlatt showed that our body must be regarded as an ''integral'' dynamic ''system''.
Hans Selye, Cyril Smith, Bill Tiller and Björn Nordenström showed that what matters is the (von Bertalanffy) system ''boundary regulation''.
Karl Pribram and Denis Gabor explained that we can explain this all in terms of ''holograms''.

''Together this allows us to understand and describe health explicitly''.
It's simple, and complex.
Simple because it is about the dynamic fractal coherence of cell cycles.
Complex because it involves many cells, which were formed from that simple principle.
[[Bert Verveen]] showed what Health is:
''"Heath is the Continued coherence of Cell Communication".'' is a [[DIY DIT]] porject.
It is to be an interactive website.
You pose your self health care questions there.
And various schools, offering health care, post how what they do might help.

All participants work on a no-cure-no-pay-basis.
Materials are provided at cost price only.
As always, health-care-profiteers are shunned.
Health, not profit, is what it is all about.
[[Thanks, Jeremy!]]
This is the reworked website of [[SIG]], presenting the principles of/for Imtegral Health Care.
This website (now one document) was set up as counterpart of [[the Dutch language site|]].
It is now being revised and designed as a site 'on-its-own' (which you can download with just one click...).
!''[[The Foundation for Integral Health Care|SIG]]'' presents...
!"[[Integral Health Care]]" ([[WiP]])

Integral Health Care combines all the world’s methods for healing.
By their synergy, they can (YOU can!) prevent, as well as cure.
All is based on the fundamental 4D nature of our living body.
Know, that (y)our body as a whole, formed from One Cell.

| __[[Far-West]]__ | __[[Far-East]]__ | __[[East]]__ | __[[West]]__ |h
| //[[Spiritual healing]]// | //[[Acupuncture]]// | //[[Ayurveda]]// | //[[Somatic Medicine]]// |
| ''[[Prevention]]'' | ''[[Early Detection]]'' | ''[[Cure]]'' | ''[[Palliation]]'' |h
| [[Out-of-conscious]] | [[Unconscious]] | [[Subconscious]] | [[Conscious]] |
| [[Information]] | [[Regulation]] | [[Physiology]] | [[Anatomy]] |
| [[Quanta]] | [[Atoms]] | [[Molecules]] | [[Matter]] |
| [[Phase]] | [[Energy]] | [[Time]] | [[Space]] |
| [[Spirit]] | [[Soul]] | [[Mind]] | [[Body]] |
| [0D] | [1D] | [2D] | [3D] |
| [[Unified Theory]] | [[Probability Theory]] | [[Relativity Theory]] | [[Classical Theory]] |
| 4^^th^^ Order | 3^^rd^^ Order | 2^^nd^^ Order | 1^^st^^ Order |
:Table )(c)( O#o 1986, (c) SIG 2003, 2024

:Foundation [[SIG]] provides advice and courses on [[Integral Health Care]].
:SIG helps organisations to apply Integral Health Care as basis of their practice.
:All pertinent information can be found in this ~TiddlyWIki one-document website.
:The other websites of this project are found in the pertinent links
Treatment of diseases is //not// the prime aim of Integral Health Care.
Rather, the goal is to be able to ''care for your own life and health''.
*"Healer, Heal Thyself"
*"Prevention, rather than Cure"
*"Many Hands Make Light Work
*"Invest, rather than Spend"

Integral Health Care makes use of all the healing arts of the whole Earth.
[[East]] & [[West]], [[Far-East]] & [[Far-West]] therein logically complement each other.
Together they define and form Integral Health Care.
Together they can prevent, early-detect/correct, cure and palliate.

!The essence is simple:
* The [[West]] created an ''anatomic'' (“somatic”) structural understanding of our body.
**This bases itself on __the Classical models of deterministic science__.
* The [[East]] (Ayurveda) focused on supporting the ''physiological'' processes of our body.
** This calls for a __Relativistic__ type of thinking.
* The [[Far-East]] (Acupuncture) designed an approach to recalibrate the ''regulatory system'' of our body.
** This requires a __Probabilistic__ approach.
* The [[Far-West]] (Spiritual Healing) works primarily with the ''Information Integration'' system of the body.
** This calls for a universal integral/__unified Field__ description.
:<) See the Table above.

The principles and method for integration of these forms of healing is found in our living body.
Our body is not a mechanical object: it is an information processor which interacts with its context.
In our living being, ''information integrates with matter'', with the essence of life: Freedom of Choice.
Our body is our best example on the way objective reality is based on subjective realisation.

Realise that __the scientific model of reality changed__ from Determinism to Relativity to Probability to Creativity.
Our participation in creation means that our reality is based on our realisation.
Especially for health care this means a change from Objectivity to Subjectivity: “what you think matters”.

SIG Foundation brings together research on the [[Science of Life]]:
[[Preventive Health Care]], [[Self Healing]], and [[Integral Health Care]].

This web site is realised by the Stichting ter bevordering voor de Integratie van Geneeswijzen. SIG.
SIG is a non-profit foundation for the integration of all forms of healing for living in health. [[Donate]] ?!

SIG operates the following principles for Centres for Integral Health Care:
Organisations that comply with these criteria can apply for the SIG logo.

Health is a reflection of a life style, in balance with Earth.
We all experience it and actively & passively live it.
We all learn to operate Freedom of Choice.
If/when we help each other to help ourselves this betters everyone.
	[Welcome] [Integral Health Care] [mEducation] [Contagious Health] [Health by Design] [Gallery]
| ''Date''|''Addition'' |
|2011.02.18 |Disease Prevention is about Health maintenance! |
|2011.02.17 |Various insights by various authors, on fundamentals of health and healing. |
WiP = ~Work-in-Progress

Now that the website has (finally) been converted (into [[TiddlyWiki|]]) it can be fully revised.
Note that much of the pertinent information is found in other ~TiddlyWIki documents (see, e.g., [[SItes]]).
Those documents can all be downloaded - you then have the entire site available on your device.
Now that the framework for sharing this information has been established, much can and will be added.
Spiritual healing works with the direct processing of information.
This is always an interaction; comparable to travelling through a landscape.
In this case we do not navigate by taking on and letting go, with hands or legs.
Instead navigation is dome by changing involvement via questions and decisions.

For many people it is initially confusing that we perceive, and imagine.
Maturana and Varela explored how dreams differ from hallucination.
Both are processed by the same neurones, processing the same signals.
The difference lies in the way they relate to the environment, around us.

In our body, we always operate the interplay between the cell (core) and the (cell) context.
We see the same for the body, as the relationship between propriocepsis and sensoricepsis.
In fact, the perception of our ‘environment’, is by definition perception in/on/of the body.
That means we always relate what happens in the core of the body, to what happens at the surface of the body.

In this way we discern also reality versus realisation.
''Reality'' is defined as our perception of our context (via the cortex)
''Realisation'' is related to our freedom of choice in operating our (cerebellar) state of being.
Important is the understanding that we operate Freedom of Choice, in the act of realisation.

//Reality is always based on our Realisation//.
Our internal state of being is the basis (‘carrier wave’) of our decisions.
By our decisions we change our interaction with/in our context.
Our experience of changing sensation (of/on the ‘skin’) is but a result.

It is necessary to understand the difference between //Reality// and //Realisation//.
''Reality'' is by definition the change of state of our context; as subjectively experienced.
''Realisation'' by definition operates interactively with, and on the basis of, cell communication.
This interactive process is non-deterministic, not predictable and can by definition nit e repeated.

This realm of realisation is also known as //[[Magic]]//: the domain of operation of [[Free Will]].
By making a decision, we change the way we relate to our (self)definition.
As a result we relate differently to ourselves, AND to our context.
For that reason the interaction itself can be discerned in 4 aspects (body, mind, soul and spirit).

[[Body]] is the level of the anatomy of the body, also associated with the experience of Reality.
[[Mind]] is the more fluid process of changing relationship (a process) within a dynamic context.
[[Soul]] is the singularity system, the set of interactions which define the system definition.
[[Spirit]] is the domain of pure information, cf. the sub-atomic domain; which also pertains to the operating of Freedom of Choice.
* //Se//: [[Body, Mind, Soul, Spirit]]
Each of these levels operates a different logic, because it pertains to different ‘Dimensions’.
Operating consciousness thus involves the shift between those different dimensional/Logical levels.
The integrity of the system, and our experience, depends on the maintenance of integration between these 4 distinct levels.
Because at their basis, these seemingly separate levels are aspects of the same underlying foundation (operating freedom of choice in phase space).

The negotiation between reality and realisation can be compared to a communication process.
In this case, communication is the 2nd order level of (4 orders of) Cybernetics.
The interaction takes place within the same neurones and hormones of the system.
It requires the understanding that we relate to reality, and realisation, in different manners.

The interaction can be represented as a communication via a glass pane.
The mind make choices and decisions via imagination.
The body of knowledge responds by ‘changing the picture’ (‘from the other side of the glass plate’).
The result is a co-editing of the emerging image, like the creation of a drawing.

This is done by many people (sometimes unconsciously) in the act/art of dreaming.
Regular dreaming is the experience of a dream sensation; unfolding itself.
Lucid dreaming is the same process, in which the dreamer actively participates.
The result is that the dreamer ‘steers’ the dream; making the event into a conversation.

This is also done in the act/art of guided visual meditation.
In that case an image is (intentionally) evoked; different from the ‘real’ context.
The image is held in the mind, to the extent that the body starts to respond to the evoked image.
This psycho-somatic effect always exists; imagine e.g. “biting into a sour lemon”.

We are free to imagine or remember a different context than the one we are in.
As a result, we can ‘navigate’ our body between Reality and Realisation.
We are in fact a bridge, between reality and realisation.
We operate creation, simultaneously, as verb and as noun.

This is part of the traditions of many cultures, world wide.
It is called the Dancer on the Rainbow Bridge, or the covenant of the Arc.
The process of the crossing of a bridge - thus the transition of a border.
The common instrument for such a transition is a Vortex (a Chackra).

Many cultures have an extensive written tradition on this topic.
Sometimes it is called magic; at times it is  known as religion.
It always deals with relating us, the part, to creation, the whole.
It always addresses the art/skill of using Freedom of Choice.

Many traditions advocate meditation as the basic form of medication.
Thus is the process of resolving ‘Unfinished Business’; unresolved problems.
It always relates to operating the difference between reality and Realisation.
Most often, the operation of Realisation is done via ‘visions’ or ‘dreaming’.

Dream editing can be compared to engineering, mathematics, or composing a ... picture.
An engineer does not simply draw a bridge, dam, road or tunnel.
Every first drawing is a first draught; an attempt, a trial.
Via trial and error that leads to a plan; which then is put in action.- again, by trial and error.

Mathematicians are very aware that it is up to them how they define what they conceive.
They define their assumptions (axioms), decisions (operations), parameters (equations) and calculations (outcome).
In a similar manner an artists selects materials (pencils, ink, paper, canvas), makes movements, sees effect, en changes the interaction.
In that way, an artwork unfolds, a mathematical equation forms, but in that way we also create our realisation, and our reality.

The process is also activated, in the inverse sense, in the resolving of unresolved issues.
Often they present themselves as memories; which most often they relate to.
By accepting them for what they are, and allowing them to unfold, they invert and show their inner/hidden meaning.
This is often compared to a birth process, in which the memory expands, overtakes, perhaps overwhelms, and then  releases beyond the beholder; often leaving behind a feeling of calm, inner strength, wisdom and tranquil joy.

Many mystic texts refer to this transformation process.
They all realise that Realisation => Regulation => Process => State.
Thus Consciousness => Immunity => Physiology => Anatomy.
They are aware that your realisation defines your reality, including the health of your body.
The [[Body]] unfolds from the Zygote
The [[Zygote]] is formed from all of [[Humanity]].
The Zygote is the [[Pivot|Bhindu]] which forms all of our [[Body|Bio-Hologram]].
This follows the principle(s) of uniVersal creation.

#The Origen of the Zygote
#The Zygote as Pivot Point
#The Unfolding of the Zygote
#The Zygote as Bio-Hologram
"When the body forgets time"...
Every "Chrinic Disease" is in fact "a-Chronic".The origin of the disease is locked in the ody, "out-of-lime".
It is 'locked in a blind-spot black-hole hell-hole, repressed, to be forgotten.
But it cannot be forgotten, even if it is ignored; it is still there.

Memories are stored in the body.
Reressed mem ories are stored in the body.
Repressed traumatic memories are stored in the body.
"Out-of-Mind"... they arwe still in the body, interfering with the body,.
SIG fosters the experience of health. For this purpose it promotes understanding of your own body. SIG aims to realise a programme for medical education, mEducation, from Kindergarten through Primary and Secondary school to Academic training. This makes it possible for students in school to learn about the functioning of their own body, in relationship to their physical and personal development of that moment. As a result, they learn about self care, life style, care for others and care for their context, to the extent that students then enter university with  more understanding and experience for health care than medical doctors now complete their training.

It is surprising how few people learn about the basis of health.
Most of what is taught in universities’ medical school can be understood and applied at much earlier age.
By learning this at an earlier age, people can come to understand how their body functions.
And come to use their body - as a [[Life Style]] - in a way that it remains integrated in itself and its context.

:Contact SIG for more information on its program design for [[mEducation]].

The following is a curriculum listing of [[the Foundation for Integral Health Care|SIG]].
See also the practical designs in the section in [[Health by Design]].

#[[Core Curriculum]]
#[[Our Living Body]]
#[[Science of Life]]

''[[Our Living Body]]'' is a fundamental insight training in the workings of our body as part of our universal context.
It helps recognise the fundamental principles that are at work in our body, so that we can work with them in healing.

''The [[Core Curriculum]]'' offers a basic training in Integral health Care.
It comprises insight and experience in various forms of healing, their philosophy, approach to healing, possible effects and how they may be applied and combined.

''The [[Science of Life]]'' presents some fundamental insights of modern science, and how they need to be implemented in Modern Medicine to bring this up to date with correct consensus. It helps understand why, and how, traditional forms of healing are more at part with modern science. Likewise it explains why the subjective observer perspective needs to be included in the formulations of science to make them valid for healing.

''The [[Electives]]'' offers an overview of various teachings and trainings intended to help experience and understand the workings of our body, and the basis of health.
Addressed are: [[Body Language]], [[Massage Methods]], [[Bye-Bye Behaviour]], [[Sane Sex]], and other topics which help understand and realise the fundamental potentials and needs of your body.